
  • 网络inferior alveolar nerve;IAN
  1. 目的探讨早期应用外源性神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)对成年大白兔下牙槽神经挤压伤后再生的影响;

    Objective To explore the effect of exogenous nerve growth factor ( NGF ) on the regeneration of adult white rabbits inferior alveolar nerve ( IAN ) after being crushed .

  2. 结果:hNav1.8通道蛋白在TN患者痛支神经的有髓纤维脱髓鞘处有大量表达,鼠脊神经轴突内有少量表达,而正常下牙槽神经及耳大神经中无表达。

    Results : Strong expression of hNa v1.8 channel protein was found in the demyelinated fibers of the affected nerves in patients with TN , weak expression in the neuraxon of rat spinal nerve , and none in the normal inferior alveolar nerve and the great auricular nerve .

  3. 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)追踪支配大白鼠下颌切牙和猫下颌犬牙神经胞体的位置牵张成骨对兔下牙槽神经和颞下颌关节影响的实验研究

    The localization of the cell bodies of the receptive neurons innervated the incisor tooth of the lower jaw in the rat and the canine tooth of the lower jaw in the cat as visualized by the horseradish peroxidase technique influence of unilateral mandibular distraction osteogenesis on Ian and TMJ

  4. 下牙槽神经挤压伤后再生的实验研究

    A study of regeneration of inferior alveolar nerve after crushing in rabbits

  5. 下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的有关骨学测量研究

    Osteologic measurement associated with block anesthesia of inferior alveolar nerve

  6. 目的评价对两种下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉方法。

    Objective To evaluate two methods of inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia .

  7. 牵张成骨对兔下牙槽神经和颞下颌关节影响的实验研究

    Influence of Unilateral Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis on IAN and TMJ

  8. 恒河猴下牙槽神经感觉传导测试方法研究

    A technique for making sensory conduction records from monkey inferior alveolar nerve

  9. 失下牙槽神经对下颌骨骨折愈合影响的实验研究

    Effect of inferior alveolar nerve section on mandibular fracture callus

  10. 较大速率牵引成骨术对山羊下牙槽神经的影响

    Influence of Distraction Osteogenesis on Goat Inferior Alveolar Nerve by Higher Rate

  11. 下颌骨牵引成骨对下牙槽神经超微结构的影响

    Influence of mandibular distraction osteogenesis on the ultrastructure of the inferior alveolar nerve

  12. 下牙槽神经的损伤多来自术前受伤时。

    Mandibular alveolar nerve injury always happened before operation .

  13. 下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的解剖学研究

    The anatomic research of the inferior alveolar nerve block

  14. 下颌骨牵引成骨术对下牙槽神经功能影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of the influence of mandibular distraction osteogenesis on inferior alveolar nerve function

  15. 3种下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉方法的临床应用与评价

    Clinical application and evaluation of three types of block anesthesia of inferior alveolar nerve

  16. 内翻静脉移植修复下牙槽神经缺损的动物实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Inside-out Vein Graft for Repairing Inferior Alveolar Nerve Defect in the Rabbit

  17. 下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉引起一过性双目失明1例

    A Case Report of Transient Blind in Both Eyes Caused by Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Anesthesia

  18. 静脉移植修复骨管中的下牙槽神经缺损同修复其它周围神经缺损一样,是一种有效、方便、可供选择的修复方法。

    Autogenous vein graft is a effective simple and choice method to repair inferior alveolar nerve .

  19. 颌面部撞击伤致下牙槽神经血管束间接损伤的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Indirect Injury of Inferior Alveolar Neurovascular Bundle Caused by Maxillofacial Impact Injury

  20. 方法采用下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉,并配合局部麻醉。

    Methods Uses under dentium cavema the nerve hinders the anaesthesia , and coordinate local anesthesia .

  21. 目的研究离断下牙槽神经对兔下颌骨牵张成骨新生骨痂生物力学性能的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of inferior alveolar nerve resection on mandibular distraction osteogenesis in rabbit .

  22. 结论外源性神经生长因子能够促进下牙槽神经损伤后再生及功能的恢复。

    Conclusion Exogenous NGF can enhance regeneration of inferior alveolar nerve and recovery of its sensory function .

  23. 颌面部高速投射物伤致下牙槽神经间接损伤的超微结构研究

    An Ultrastructural Study on Indirect Injury of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Caused by High Speed Projectile in Maxillofacial Region

  24. 经口腔外下牙槽神经舌神经和颊神经阻滞麻醉点的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of a new pathway of the inferior alveolar , lingual and buccal nerves under extra-oral anesthesia

  25. 方法采用经翼颌间隙撕脱下牙槽神经治疗三叉神经第Ⅲ支痛32例。

    Methods 32 patients with trigeminal neuralgia ⅲ were treated with neurectomy of inferior alveolar nerve via pterygomandibular space .

  26. 目的针对下牙槽神经的特殊解剖特点探讨下颌磨牙区种植义齿方法。

    Objective To study molar area implantation with screw-typed implant based on the specific anatomic properties of inferior alveolar nerve .

  27. 对选择适宜长度的牙种植体,避免牙种植体损伤下牙槽神经等具有重要意义。

    It is significant for choosing appropriate length of dental implantation , which avoid the injury for the inferior alveolar nerve .

  28. 目的:研究下牙槽神经撕脱术对三叉神经痛患者下颌骨骨密度的影响。

    Objective : The effect of surgical avulsion of the inferior alveolar nerve on the mandible bone density has been analyzed .

  29. 目的:为了给临床医师进行下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉提供可靠的参考数据和简便的计算公式。

    Objective : To provide the reliable data and simple formula for clinic to perform block anesthesia of inferior alveolar nerve .

  30. 目的为临床上摸索口腔外下牙槽神经、舌神经和颊神经阻滞麻醉点提供解剖基础。

    Objective To supply the anatomical data for investigating an extra-oral block anesthesia point of the inferior alveolar , lingual and buccal nerves .