
  1. 其中一项产品,RTS,S候选疟疾疫苗目前正在非洲处于大规模三期临床试验阶段。

    One of these products , the RTS , S candidate malaria vaccine , is now undergoing a very large phase III trial in Africa .

  2. Rufinamide为瑞士诺华公司新研制的抗癫痫新药,已完成三期临床。

    Rufinamide is a new antiepileptic developed by Novartis Company of Switzerland and has finished Phase ⅲ clinical trial .

  3. 欧洲药品局(EMEA)建议:三期临床试验治疗癫痫症的发起者应当包含足够数量的老年患者。

    The European Medicines Agency ( EMEA ) advises sponsors of epileptic disorder treatments in Phase III trials to use certain primary endpoints and include an adequate number of geriatric patients .

  4. 新型非甾体抗炎药环氧化酶-2和5-脂氧合酶双重抑制剂-Darbufelone是由美国Warner-Lambert公司研制的,用于治疗类风湿关节炎和骨关节炎,目前处于三期临床研究阶段。

    Darbufelone is a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ( NSAIDs ) of COX-2 and LOX-5 dual inhibitors . It is made and developed by Warner-Lambert company of America . Darbufelone is used to cure rheumatoid arthritis and bone arthritis .

  5. 这是世界上第一只完成了三期临床试验的戊肝疫苗。

    It is the first vaccine against the disease to reach this stage .

  6. 随机二期临床试验比随机三期临床病人少很多。

    Randomized Phase II trials have far fewer patients than randomized Phase III trials .

  7. 其中4种候选疫苗已进入三期临床试验,志愿者遍及10个国家。

    Four of them have entered phase III clinical trials with volunteers spread across ten countries .

  8. 目前国际上已有产品进入三期临床试验阶段,中国也正在研究中。

    At present , the product has entered Phase III clinical trial stage , China is also under study .

  9. 三期临床试验的初步结果揭示了加用厄洛替尼之后患者生存率的提高。

    Preliminary results of phase III trial in pancreatic cancer revealed an improvement in survival with the addition of erlotinib .

  10. 国药集团开发的两种灭活疫苗在三期临床试验中被证明对新冠病毒安全有效。

    Two inactivated vaccines developed by Sinopharm have proven to be safe and effective against COVID-19 in phase-3 human trials .

  11. 该部表示,国药集团疫苗的三期临床试验显示,总有效率为86%,安全性良好。

    It says a phase III clinical trial of the Sinopharm vaccine showed an overall efficacy of 86 percent and good safety .

  12. 默克制药公司目前正对一种用于非小细胞肺癌(最常见的肺癌种类)治疗的疫苗进行第三期临床试验,试验计划于2010年结束。

    Pharmaceutical company Merck is running a phase III trial of a vaccine for non-small cell lung cancers ( the commonest group of lung cancers ), set to finish in2010 .

  13. 这一障碍过去一直无法逾越,但法国疫苗公司赛诺菲-巴斯德今年宣布,它研发出一种前景很好的四价登革热疫苗,该疫苗目前正在澳大利亚进行第三期临床试验。

    Until now this hurdle has been insurmountable , but French vaccine company Sanofi-Pasteur announced this year that it has a viable tetravalent dengue vaccine undergoing phase III trials in Australia .

  14. 他在回答有关中国疫苗三期临床试验研究数据的问题时表示,在多个国家的测试进展顺利。

    He was responding to a question regarding the research data from the phase III clinical trials of the Chinese vaccines , saying that testing in multiple countries has gone well .

  15. 多层螺旋CT胰腺三期增强扫描的临床价值

    Evaluation of Multislice Spiral CT Triple-phase Enhanced Scanning in Clinical Study of Pancreas

  16. 喉及下咽癌螺旋CT三期增强扫描的临床应用价值

    Clinical application value of helical CT three-phases enhanced images in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma