
  • 网络Triaxial compression test;triaxial test
  1. 为了实现颗粒流程序PFC对损伤区的模拟,通过三轴压缩试验确定了PFC的细观参数。

    In order to realize the simulation of damage zone by the particle flow code ( PFC ), the microscopic parameters are confirmed by triaxial compression test .

  2. 根据ADINA提供的用户子程序,用FORTRAN编写了邓肯&张E-v本构模型,给出了模型开发的方法和步骤,并用常规三轴压缩试验对模型进行了检验。

    Based on ADINA user subrountines , this paper compiles the Duncan-Chang constitutive model by using FORTRAN program , introduces the development method and procedure of the model . The model has been verified by the conventional triaxial compression test .

  3. 固结不排水条件下,常规三轴压缩试验和等p试验保持为正孔压,并随固结压力的增加而提高;减压三轴压缩试验观察到负孔压,呈现剪胀特性。

    Under consolidated undrained condition , pore pressure keeps positive in conventional triaxial compression tests and triaxial compression tests , and rose with the increase of confining pressure .

  4. 试验结果表明,水泥掺入比、密度和龄期,对不固结不排水和固结不排水三轴压缩试验的应力应变特性和抗剪强度指标c,φ的大小有不同程度的影响。

    It is indicated that the cement mixing ratio , density and age of the lightweight soil have different influences on the results of stress-strain properties and shear strength indexes of the soil in triaxial compression tests under unconsolidated-undrained and consolidated-undrained conditions .

  5. 使用饱和NaCl溶液对绿泥石片岩和红砂岩进行饱和,对两种用饱和NaCl溶液饱和的岩石进行单轴和三轴压缩试验,得出饱和NaCl溶液对绿泥石片岩和红砂岩岩石力学性质的影响。

    Use saturated NaCl solution to saturation chlorite schist and red sandstone , do uniaxial and triaxial compression tests for these rocks , get the influence of saturated NaCl solution to the rock mechanical properties . 4 .

  6. 在对重塑试样的不排水三轴压缩试验的基础上,分析了全风化花岗岩(CDG)松散填土的工程性能。

    Based on a series of undrained triaxial compression tests on remoulded specimens , the engineering behavior of CDG loose fills is analyzed .

  7. 采用有限元法求解比奥(Biot)固结方程计算路基沉降量是一种常用方法,通过三轴压缩试验来求取相应的弹性参数则耗时耗资。

    It is a common method to resolve concretion equation of Biot law by using Finite Element Method ( FEM ) for calculating subgrade settlement , but the method is restricted in application due to long time consumed and high cost for getting elastic parameters by triaxial test .

  8. 超声波三轴压缩试验机及其应用

    New triaxial test equipment combined with ultrasonic apparatus and its application

  9. 隧道围岩三轴压缩试验研究

    Study on enclosing rock of tunnel by triaxial - compressing test

  10. 灰岩强度特性的三轴压缩试验分析

    Analysis of Stress - Strain Relationships for Limestone by Triaxial Test

  11. 基于三轴压缩试验的红砂岩本构模型

    Constitutive model of red sandstone based on triaxial compression test

  12. 适用于小型岩石试件的三轴压缩试验技术与设备的开发及其应用

    Development and application of triaxial compression tests with small specimens

  13. 一个试样多级加荷三轴压缩试验方法适用性的探讨

    Study on Applicability of Multilevel Loading Triaxial Compression Test to a Sample

  14. 聚苯乙烯轻质混合土三轴压缩试验研究

    Study on properties of lightweight polystyrene heterogeneous soil with triaxial compression tests

  15. 突出煤样与非突出煤样三轴压缩试验研究

    Tests Research on Tri-axial Compression for Outburst Coal and Non-outburst Coal Samples

  16. 土三轴压缩试验试验方法的对比探讨

    Comparison of contrast between conventional and one sample with multilevel-loads triaxial compression test

  17. 砂岩单轴三轴压缩试验研究

    A research on sandstone uniaxial and triaxial compression tests

  18. 在工程建设中三轴压缩试验提供的土体抗剪强度参数得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Parameters of shear strength from triaxial compression test are widely used in project construction .

  19. 粗颗粒土大型三轴压缩试验的强度与应力~应变特性

    Shear Strength and Stress-Strain Properties of Coarse Grain Soil Determined by Large Scale Triaxial Compression Tests

  20. 相似方法在冻土低温三轴压缩试验研究中的应用

    Application of analogy method in the study of triaxial compressive test on frozen soil at low temperatures

  21. 固结排水三轴压缩试验

    Consolidated drained triaxial compression test

  22. 本文通过不同围压、不同孔隙瓦斯压力下煤的三轴压缩试验结果,阐述了瓦斯对媒体的力学变形性质及力学响应的影响。

    In this paper , triaxial compression tests are carried Out with various confining pressure and pore pressure .

  23. 通过一系列室内三轴压缩试验研究了砂土的变形特性与临界状态。

    A series of triaxial compression tests were performed to investigate the deformation characteristics and critical state of sand .

  24. 主要介绍相似方法在冻土抗剪强度低温三轴压缩试验研究中的应用及若干关键科学问题。

    The technology and key problems of analogy method applied in the triaxial compressive test study of frozen soil are presented .

  25. 在高围压条件下,对冻结兰州砂土在不同温度和不同应变速率下进行三轴压缩试验。

    Under high confining pressure , triaxial compressive tests on frozen Lanzhou sandy soil are performed at different temperatures and strain rates .

  26. 三轴压缩试验对设备、试样、操作等方面要求较高,因此影响因素较多,对试验成果影响也较大。

    Triaxial compression test has strict requirements in equipment , soil samples and operation etc. and there are many factors influencing the test result .

  27. 以云南昭通头寨沟大型高速远程岩质滑坡为例,通过常规三轴压缩试验,研究了滑坡区主要工程地质岩组(玄武岩)岩芯的变形和强度特性。

    Based on triaxial tests , a study is performed on strength and deformation characteristics of the basaltic rock mass from the Touzhai high-speed landslide .

  28. 模拟细砂的三轴压缩试验,与试验数据对比有较高的吻合度。

    Comparing the result of triaxial compression test simulation with the experiment data , we can see that they are in high degree of coincidence .

  29. 用花岗岩试件做了常规三轴压缩试验,对在不同围压作用下的岩石断裂表面进行了分形研究。

    Conventional triaxial compression tests of granite were made and the fracture surfaces of samples tested under different confining pressures were studied by fractal analysis .

  30. 基于风化砂的三轴压缩试验,讨论了橡皮膜约束对土强度的影响。

    Based on the triaxial compression tests of weathered sand , discussed in this paper was the influence of rubber membrane on strength of soil .