
yā suō shì yàn
  • compression test
  1. Al2O3陶瓷分离式霍普金森压杆恒应变率动态压缩试验研究

    SHPB Dynamic Compression Test of Al_2O_3 Ceramics Under Constant Strain Rates

  2. 对Zn-22%Al超塑性合金进行了等温超塑压缩试验。

    Isothermal Superplastic compression test has been made for superplasticity Zn 22 % Al alloy .

  3. 用热模拟压缩试验研究了Ti-17合金高温变形特点,通过金相组织和TEM观察发现,β区变形是以扩散回复型变形机制占主导地位;高应变速率下只发生动态回复;

    The high temperature deformation characteristic Ti-17 alloy was investigated using hot compressive test .

  4. 双向应力作用下X型断续节理岩体的强度特性研究双向应力状态下混凝土的动态压缩试验研究

    Strength properties of rock mass with bidirectional intermittent cross joints effect of strain rate on the biaxial compressive behavior of concrete

  5. 固结不排水条件下,常规三轴压缩试验和等p试验保持为正孔压,并随固结压力的增加而提高;减压三轴压缩试验观察到负孔压,呈现剪胀特性。

    Under consolidated undrained condition , pore pressure keeps positive in conventional triaxial compression tests and triaxial compression tests , and rose with the increase of confining pressure .

  6. 岩石单轴压缩试验Kaiser效应实质的研究

    Nature of Kaiser effect of rocks under uniaxial cyclic loading

  7. 基于压缩试验成果的路基沉降非线性弹性Biot固结有限元法

    Nonlinear Elastic Biot 's Consolidation FEM in Roadbed Settlement Based on Compression Test Results

  8. 单轴压缩试验下裂纹闭合阶段岩石KAISER效应的研究

    Research on Kaiser effect during closing period of rock cracks under uniaxial loading

  9. 基于以上试验研究结果,在考虑应变率的情况下,应用有限元分析法,对SHPB动态压缩试验技术进行模拟。

    The dynamic compression test on SHPB has been simulated by FEM under Effect strain rate .

  10. 本文介绍了内径达20毫米的活塞圆筒式高压静水压缩试验装置,该装置可在0~4500兆帕压力范围内进行P-V关系试验;

    A new , cylinder-piston high pressure hydrostatic testing equipment was briefly introduced .

  11. 试验结果表明,水泥掺入比、密度和龄期,对不固结不排水和固结不排水三轴压缩试验的应力应变特性和抗剪强度指标c,φ的大小有不同程度的影响。

    It is indicated that the cement mixing ratio , density and age of the lightweight soil have different influences on the results of stress-strain properties and shear strength indexes of the soil in triaxial compression tests under unconsolidated-undrained and consolidated-undrained conditions .

  12. GLEEBLE材料热模拟试验机高温压缩试验的数据整理与修正

    The collating and correcting of data in hot compressing test for Gleeble material hot modeling test machine

  13. 本文基于一般粘性土和黄土的压缩试验结果分析,表明通过log(1+e)-logP′曲线可以准确地确定先期固结压力pc′。

    Based on analysis of results from compression tests for ordinary clay and loess , it is known that the preconsolidation force p c ′ can be determined from test curve of log ( 1 + e ) against log p ′ .

  14. 对研发的膨胀珍珠岩衬垫进行了动态压缩试验与研究,并与EPE和EPS衬垫的缓冲特性进行了对比分析。

    The dynamic buffering property of the expanded perlite cushion developed by the author was tested , researched and contrasted with that of EPE and EPS .

  15. 用单轴压缩试验测试岩石Kaiser效应特征,进而确定岩体地应力状态的方法,在岩体工程实践中得到广泛的应用。

    The in-situ stress of rock mass is determined by Kaiser effect of rock under uniaxial compression . This method is applied widely in rock mass engineering .

  16. 使用饱和NaCl溶液对绿泥石片岩和红砂岩进行饱和,对两种用饱和NaCl溶液饱和的岩石进行单轴和三轴压缩试验,得出饱和NaCl溶液对绿泥石片岩和红砂岩岩石力学性质的影响。

    Use saturated NaCl solution to saturation chlorite schist and red sandstone , do uniaxial and triaxial compression tests for these rocks , get the influence of saturated NaCl solution to the rock mechanical properties . 4 .

  17. 通过对密实砂土进行一系列三轴排水压缩试验,探讨了砂土的峰值内摩擦角φmax和剩余内摩擦角φres随应力水平的变化规律。

    Based on a series of drained triaxial compression tests , that the peak friction angle ( φ max ) and the residual friction angle ( φ res ) of sand change with stress level was investigated .

  18. 通过XRD分析确定合金的物相组成;通过金相和扫描观察分析合金的显微组织;通过室温压缩试验来测试合金的室温变形性能。

    By XRD analysis , the phase compositions of the alloy are determined . By metallographic observation and SEM , the microstructures of alloy are analyzed ; by compression test at room temperature , deformation performance of alloy at room temperature is tested .

  19. 在Gleeble1500热模拟试验机上进行SiCp/2024Al泡沫复合材料的准静态压缩试验,阐述孔的结构和SiC颗粒含量对材料准静态压缩性能的影响规律。

    Quasi-static compression experiments of SiCp / 2024Al composite foams were tested on Gleeble 1500 thermal simulation testing machine , the situation that the quasi-static compression properties were influenced by the structure of pore and the volume fraction of SiC particles were analyzed .

  20. 研究结果表明:TA15合金在热压缩试验中存在不同程度的硬化和软化趋势。

    The results showed that , there exist different hardening and softening tendency in hot compression of TA15 alloy .

  21. 介绍了基于W78E58B单片机的压缩试验仪的原理以及设计方法。

    This paper introduces the principle and design of compression equipment based on single chip microcomputer W78E58B .

  22. 采用Gleeble-1500热模拟机进行高温等温压缩试验,研究了2519铝合金在高温塑性变形时的流变应力特征。

    The flow stress features of 2519 aluminum alloy during plastic deformation at elevated temperature were studied by the isothermal compression test using Gleeble-1500 hot simulator .

  23. 通过热模拟压缩试验和定量金相法研究了热变形参数对Ti-15-3合金固溶处理过程中再结晶组织的影响规律。

    The effects of hot deformation parameters on the recrystallized microstructure of Ti-15-3 alloy after solution treatment have been studied by hot compression experiments and quantitative metallographic analysis .

  24. 在凸轮形变机上进行了G3、1Crl3钢、铝及铅的恒应变率均匀压缩试验。

    Homogeneous compression tests were carried out in a cam plastometer on mild steel , 13 % chromium steel , aluminium and lead .

  25. 采用单道次压缩试验,研究了变形温度和变形速率对SS400钢热变形行为的影响。

    Effects of SS400 steel 's deformation temperature and strain rates on its deformation behavior was studied using single pass compressing test .

  26. 在试验室内运用GDS土体多功能三轴试验机,对上海粉细砂进行了一系列的常规三轴压缩试验,针对其在不同试验条件下的变形规律进行了系统分析。

    In order to investigate the deformation characteristics of sand under static loading , a series of traditional triaxial compression tests of Shanghai silt sand are performed in the laboratory on GDS triaxial apparatus .

  27. 根据ADINA提供的用户子程序,用FORTRAN编写了邓肯&张E-v本构模型,给出了模型开发的方法和步骤,并用常规三轴压缩试验对模型进行了检验。

    Based on ADINA user subrountines , this paper compiles the Duncan-Chang constitutive model by using FORTRAN program , introduces the development method and procedure of the model . The model has been verified by the conventional triaxial compression test .

  28. 最后,本文进行了热压缩试验,通过建立本构方程和热加工图模拟出最佳热加工参数,在该参数下进行了热挤压试验,挤压出Φ12mm的线材。

    The best thermal processing parameters was simulated through the establishment of the constitutive equations and processing maps . Hot extrusion test was carried out under this parameter , and extruded Φ 12mm wires .

  29. 主要体征为改良Hoffmann征、下肢肌张力增高、颈僵、颈椎旁压痛、头后仰压颈试验、椎间孔压缩试验等;

    The important signs of CSM are improved Hoffmann signs , hypermyotonia of lower extremity , neck stiffness , tenderness of cervical vertebra sides , hypsokinesis of head and compression of neck test and intervertebral foramen compression test etc.

  30. 主要完成了以下内容:(1)利用SPH方法进行了静态压缩试验的稳定性和可靠性研究。论文研究了SPH方法求解静态压缩问题的收敛性,提出了程序收敛的步长公式及考察指标。

    Main achievements of the paper are described as the following : ( 1 ) The research of stability and reliability in solving quasi-static compression tests with SPH numerical method is studied . A step length formula and an indicator of program convergence are proposed .