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  1. In some ways General Musharraf was very different from General Zia .


  2. Ms. Zia says the American public also criticizes US politicians for developing close relationships with China .


  3. Helen Zia says such complaints are like thinking of Chinese imports as evil .


  4. Student organisations which had been banned under Zia became very active .


  5. The party had been close to General Zia and done badly in the elections .


  6. Ms. Zia said US politicians accuse each other of being corrupted by Chinese money .


  7. Chinese American writer Helen Zia once said , Whenever US-China relations get chilly , Chinese Americans get pneumonia .


  8. Ms. Zia said US politicians accuse each other of being " corrupted " by Chinese money .


  9. But Zia turned out to be a very wily man .


  10. The Americans cut off aid . Under Zia 's regime life for women in Pakistan became much more restricted .


  11. Chinese American writer Helen Zia once said , " Whenever US-China relations get chilly , Chinese Americans get pneumonia . "


  12. The Russian invasion transformed Zia from an international pariah to the great defender of freedom in the Cold War .


  13. Khaleda Zia and Arafat were arrested in Dhaka Monday morning by joint forces on corruption charge .


  14. Our last dictator General Zia used to go there , and in the 1980s , under his regime , the Tablighis became very powerful .


  15. Two years later , after Zia ul-Haq was killed when his plane dropped out of the sky , she was elected to power .


  16. General Zia was invited to meet President Ronald Reagan at the White House and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street .


  17. General Zia had promised to be in power for ninety days and had stayed more than eleven years until he was killed in an air crash .


  18. My father was right to think this man was not going to give up - mullahs had become more powerful figures since Zia 's rule and campaign of Islamisation .


  19. Afghan Vice President Ahmed Zia Massoud took $ 52 million in cash when he visited the United Arab Emirates last year , according to one cable .


  20. Just as the Russian invasion of Afghanistan had changed everything for General Zia , so 9 / 11 transformed General Musharraf from an international outcast .


  21. Bangladeshi former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was sent to jail on Monday after a court in the capital refused her bail petition .


  22. The court also ordered Khaleda Zia 's younger son Arafat Rahman Koko to be in custody for seven days for interrogation .


  23. Prime Minister Zulfikar Bhutto had appointed Zia as his army chief because he thought he was not very intelligent and would not be a threat .


  24. On the walls were photographs of all our army chiefs , the most powerful men in our country including dictators like Musharraf and scary Zia .


  25. The interim leaders vowed a crackdown on political corruption , jailing hundreds of people , including Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia .


  26. A court in Bangladesh issued an arrest warrant Wednesday for former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia in connection with two corruption cases after she failed to appear in court .


  27. My country may not be very old but unfortunately it already has a history of military coups , and when my father was eight a general called Zia ul-Haq seized power .


  28. Some texts have been ruined by rain and snow because schools had no storage space and kept them outside under a plastic tarp , said Zia , the DANIDA official .


  29. As a nation we have always been good at hockey , but Zia made our female hockey players wear baggy trousers instead of shorts , and stopped women playing some sports altogether .


  30. On the day of the crash , General Zia had been attending a demonstration of American-made M1A1 main battle tanks near Bahawalpur in the Punjabi desert .
