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  1. Zimmermann 's methods is used to solve the first class of fuzzy linear programming .


  2. Based on the comparatively analysis of various power line channel models , the model by M. Zimmermann and K.


  3. Then , Zimmermann fuzzy method of solving of multi-objective linear programming with interval-valued symbolic coefficient is put forward .


  4. Olaf Zimmermann and his colleagues from IBM Research have developed last year an Architectural Decision Metamodel to facilitate Enterprise Application Development .


  5. Mr Zimmermann at the DIW warned of inflation risks being created in the US and UK .


  6. The impact of higher raw material prices will be passed to consumers , said Thorsten Zimmermann , a steel analyst at HSBC in London .


  7. The arrangement had the peculiar feature that the director , Admiral Hall , enjoyed control over diplomatic messages ( for instance the famous Zimmermann telegram ) .


  8. In a review of published analyses of tens of thousands of ancient skeletons and hundreds of mummies , David and Zimmermann found only a handful of cases of cancer .


  9. Klaus Zimmermann , head of the Berlin-based DIW Economic Institute , argued last week that the exceptional economic uncertainty made it impossible to give a concrete forecast for German growth in 2010 .


  10. Wolfram Zimmermann , a tissue engineer at the University Hospital in Hamburg , Germany , calls the approach exciting but cautions that it 's a long way from being ready for use in people .


  11. Zimmermann GmbH & Co. KG , in cooperation with the rent a scientist GmbH in Regensburg / Germany , has developed a twisted yarn that will benefit from unique new characteristics .


  12. A solution to fuzzy linear programming is realized by using Zimmermann algorithm after the most satisfactory solution is obtained . Besides , a simulating demonstration is presented in finding a solution to fuzzy linear programming most satisfactory solution , from which a nice result arises .
