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  1. What is the ancient Yis first cognition about the universe structure ?


  2. A Study on the Sustainable Development of the Yis Women in Liangshan Villages


  3. Three Subjects of the Yis Ancient Universe View


  4. A Brief Statement on the Marriage and Family of the Ancient Yis Women in Guizhou


  5. An Investigation on the Transforming of Marital Culture and Behaviors in Liangshan Yis Ethnic Group


  6. A Probe into Immigrants of the Qing Dynasty and Communication between the Hans and the Yis


  7. But Asians have ah yis in their house or a driver once they reach a certain class .


  8. Secondly , they are an encyclopaedia of the ancient Yis for their wide coverage .


  9. Nevertheless , Lingshan Yis ' traditional marriage was the outcome of the mutual adaptation of local natural conditions and culture .


  10. However , the concepts of the three units for calculating time of day , month and year were evolved step by step among the Yis .


  11. The author thinks that the academic circles in the past mostly analyzed the White Yis from the view of class , not of social history .


  12. The Yis in the Process of the Introduction of Television : An Ethnological Study of the Relationship between Television and Life at a Yi Village


  13. Legend of the Bamboo King of Yelang and the Yis ' Worship of Bamboo Divinity


  14. Yearly income system ( YIS ) embodies income distribution for the executives , and is also a remuneration incentive system generally adopted in the western developed countries .


  15. A dynamic form of expression is not only extremely WeiShan yis passing information , an important way to express the culture and the cognitive world , also shows the long history and profound memory .


  16. The HLA-B allele frequencies of healthy subjects in Yis and Uygurs were used to study on processing forensic casework and tracing the origins of two ethnic groups .


  17. Zhaojue County of Sichuan Province is the largest county inhabited by the Yis throughout China , and also used to be the capital of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture .


  18. In this article . the mathematical model of the output frequencies f1 , f2 , f3 of output yis established to the given non-linear system through solving and analysing the given data and conditions .


  19. This article introduces the main minorities festival celebrations , dress and local - style dwelling houses of Zhuangs , Miaos , Yis , Yaos , Huis in Guangnan county of Wenshan Prefecture in details .


  20. On the day of the festival , the Yis and Bais of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province would build in villages big , pagoda-shaped pine torches wrapped up with layers of dried firewood and pine branches .
