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  • 网络舆观;调查机构;民治
  1. The term , an abbreviation for " no-mobile-phone phobia " , was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov , a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffered by mobile phone users .


  2. The YouGov survey interviewed 2144 people over the Internet between November 21 and 23 .


  3. Researchers at YouGov showed 2011 children photographs of different technologies and asked them to name each one . [ en ]


  4. The online market research group , YouGov , has surveyed 40000 employees working at all levels in all sections of the economy .


  5. The research was compiled by the YouGov polling body based on questioning of2,412 adults .


  6. A survey by pollster YouGov in the US also highlighted the rising popularity of tea among younger consumers .


  7. YouGov 's data has also been split into local categories , allowing users to see which figures proved most popular in their country .


  8. Commissioned by information service 118118 , the YouGov poll questioned 2100 Britons during the first week of July .


  9. There was a YouGov opinion poll which is carried out and it said that do you believe the world is getting better .


  10. A2011 poll by YouGov found the " cost in human lives " the top reason for opposing the war .


  11. YouGov surveyed more than 18000 people in 17 countries , and found that 41 percent of internet users in China say the world is getting better .


  12. In 2014 , almost 90 per cent of Germans were in favour of free trade , according to a YouGov poll .


  13. A poll conducted by YouGov for the Sun newspaper reflected the widespread belief that the police had got their tactics wrong .


  14. Bill Gates and Angelina Jolie are the world 's most admired people , according to an annual study compiled by YouGov .


  15. YouGov said 37 per cent of people were afraid of initiating nights out or weekends away because of fears friends would pull out .


  16. So in the third installation of YouGov 's massive international study of personality admiration , it 's safe to say the global public values humanitarianismover politics .


  17. The number of people turning their backs on the high street is almost one million higher than it was last year , according to the poll by YouGov .


  18. Just 14 per cent of the companies surveyed by YouGov for KPMG , the professional services group , had a clear strategy for tackling climate change .


  19. The YouGov survey of2,400 people for the World Cancer Research Fund ( WCRF ) found more than half thought scientists were always changing their minds .


  20. In 2015 , a YouGov survey revealed that blue was the world 's favorite color in a series of surveys covering 9 countries across four continents .


  21. Indeed , according to a survey published last week by YouGov , having nice colleagues is as important as money in persuading employees to stay in their jobs .


  22. More perplexing are the results of another poll by YouGov , which show that confidence in almost every area of public life has fallen since the invasion of Iraq in2003 .


  23. The British Council , which commissioned the YouGov survey of 18000 people from 15 countries , said the results showed that internationally Shakespeare is widely known , liked and understood .


  24. As a new YouGov poll for the economist shows , Britons are surprisingly alert to class-both their own and that of others .


  25. Vodafone UK and YouGov 's research found that 66 percent had endured a team-building activity , with examples ranging from eating crickets to massaging colleagues .


  26. According to the YouGov survey conducted over the Internet , 37 percent of Britons rank having sex at the top of their list of activities that don 't cost a penny .


  27. The study , conducted by YouGov for the publisher , asked over 2000 members of the British public which three books from a list of 30 they considered to be the most valuable .


  28. The YouGov poll of more than 2000 Britons reveals how drinking is contributing to the UK 's obesity crisis , which is now the worst in Europe .


  29. Kristen Harmeling , a partner at YouGov who worked on the report , said that children in the survey frequently cited reading aloud as a special bonding time with their parents .


  30. A YouGov poll earlier this year showed that only 3 per cent of primary and 9 per cent of secondary schools offered Mandarin lessons , and 2 per cent said the subject had been dropped altogether .
