yellow green

美 [ˈjeloʊ ɡriːn]英 [ˈjeləʊ ɡriːn]
  • 网络黄绿色;黄绿;黄绿色系
yellow greenyellow green


a shade of green tinged with yellow
Synonym: yellowish green chartreuse Paris green pea green


  1. In the dark he saw the wonderful yellow green glow .


  2. There were a lot of yellow green fluorescent substances in the CEC by ⅷ: Ag indirect fluorescent test .


  3. Core wires logo : red yellow green double .


  4. Wine presents bright colors of slight yellow green .


  5. Acridine orange stain showed the cells infected by the virus were yellow green .


  6. On the clonal characters , the 2 types of gray green and yellow green were obvious different .


  7. Core wires logo : many core monochrome label use bring a yellow green line , single core color to use .


  8. Morphological Characters and Flowering Habits of Sterile Lines of Aromatic Indica Rice with Yellow Green Leaf Marker


  9. The laboratory and field experiments showed that the green leafhopper had a preference for yellow green and pale green .


  10. Properties Yellow green powders , inodorous , atoxic , somewhat oily .


  11. A rare hard yellow green mineral consisting of beryllium aluminate in crystal form ; used as a gemstone .


  12. Samples mainly display a blue and white , yellow green cathode luminescence , local appears purple , pink light district .


  13. Specific bright yellow green flurescene was observed in the plasmas of infected cell by indirect fluorescent antibody test .


  14. But the mutant of yellow green leaf can grow healthy , its special photosynthetic feature is the physiological basis to ensure normal growth .


  15. The viral nucleic acid in the nucleus of infected cells showed up yellow green after stained with acridine orange .


  16. The means of genetic distance were 0.18 between the ecotypes , 0 045 and 0 099 within the gray green type and the yellow green type respectively .


  17. The system uses the yellow green exceeded shine luminescence diode as the excited light source . The transmission channel of light signal is the low loss silicon optical fiber bundle .


  18. Infer that the gene is a new mutated gene of yellow green leaves , so , it was named as yg151 ( t ) temporarily .


  19. Although majority of the neurons were single labeled with either FB or NY , some double labeled neurons showing both yellow green nuclei and blue cytoplasm were observed .


  20. At yellow green fruit stage the thylakoid system was disintegrated and replaced by few non chlorophyllous single thylakoids , with accumulation of large osmiophilic plastoglobules .


  21. Irregular marginal and interveinal yellow green chlorotic areas , followed by general interveinal chlorosis and profuse brown necrotic spotting and scorching , typical also of field conditions .


  22. Affected by the charged particles with different amounts of irradiation , the colorless beryl in Sichuan and Xinjiang Provinces are colored into light blue , blue green , yellow green , light yellow and orange yellow .


  23. The vehicle sensor , the red and yellow green signal light of traffic facility device , and infrared sensor of correlation in the entrance guard security system led into the system , and the system had the certain intelligence and humanization .


  24. Tourmalines are distinguishing precious gems in grano pegmatites in , Altay , Xinjiang , which are mainly dark green , black green , yellow green , red and rose in color .


  25. Different-size evenly-distributed yellow green fluorescent light spots were found in the pure OA of various concentration and extraction of toxic feed as well as internal organs of chickens killed with OA by indirect immunofluorescent dyeing assay .


  26. This kind of stone is characterized by the absence of the colour in the internal and the concentration of blue green colour and brown yellow green colour speckled appearance on the surface ( thickness less than 5 μ m ) .


  27. Ordinary microscope observation of drug-loaded carrier erythrocytes with no obvious morphological changes of the former , observed under fluorescence microscope , the majority of red blood cells and the edge has weak or moderate intensity of the yellow green fluorescence .


  28. Eu ~ ( 2 + ) , Dy ~ ( 3 + ) co-doped strontium aluminate phosphor powders with high brightness and long afterglow were prepared by combustion synthesis for several minutes . After excitement the bright yellow green light was observed and its afterglow lasted more than 12 h.


  29. She embroidered the cloth with a pattern in yellow and green stitches .


  30. Each traffic light red , yellow , green light , all the bright backdrop in a sunset2 , is truly beautiful .
