- abbr.联队领航边缘(Wing Leading Edge)

WLE is characterized by opening , student autonomy , interactive , student-centered , education equality and learning costing saving , etc.
In addition , one can also use performance data from existing systems or estimate future workloads , using the IBM System Workload Estimator ( WLE ) .
ME-NBI achieved superior accuracy in the differential diagnosis of focal lesions detected with conventional WLE , but needs further verification .
WLE is " the consistent entity of hardware , software and educational content that supports the learning process and the communication about that learning process , while using the WWW " .
Furthermore , it is tightly integrated with the IBM ® System Workload Estimator ( WLE ), which allows you to plan systems based upon either existing or new workloads .
It is important to select a beginning and ending interval for the data you want to send to WLE , otherwise the entire collection will be sent to WLE .
Size Next Upgrade allows you to take the selected performance data and send it to the IBM Systems Workload Estimator ( WLE ) to do a capacity planning exercise based upon the data you have selected .
In other cases , the detection results of the WLE chart and the WLC chart have narrow difference , but the implementation and computation of the WLE chart is comparatively simpler .