
Ability to know whoes profile is verified from search results .
The economy modernization is an entity whoes contents are extremely abundant .
There are 58.7 per cent materials whoes contents of straight chain starch reach the Country Second Quality Rice Standard .
The Biocenosis Study of the Male Patients Whoes M.hominis Fluid Culture Was Red But Turbid
By the orthogonal test , the papain as appropriate enzyme was confirmed , whoes added amount is 1.5 % .
Copper-sulfur ore is an important copper ore , whoes separate technology and the technical indexes play an important role on the national economy .
Do you hear me , whoes boots are these ?
In order to reduce the loss caused by the dies breakdown effectively , a preventive maintenance strategy model relative to stamping dies , whoes interval is variable , is advanced .
Target localization and tracking is applied in the system of guidance , surveillance , and obstacle avoidance , whoes role is to determine position , movement , and identity of targets .
This research reviewed in-patients whoes eosinophils of the peripheral blood elevated in dermatological department of the second hospital of Hebei Medical University in 2009 and analyzed the distribution of diseases among those cases .
The development of economic and social in rural areas In China lags behind , and the capacity against earthquakes is very weak . As soon as earthquakes take place , most of rural areas whoes combat is great .
Image Measurement Technique is based on the principle of imaging lens . It is to measure target objects by using images to transmit information , whoes purpose is to draw the geometric parameters of the target from the images .
Maraging Stainless steel is developed based on maraging steel , which has all the advantages of maraging steel and a certain degree of corrosion resistance , and whoes strength is generally between 1300 ~ 1500MPa .
Education plays more and more role in today ′ s society , of which higher education is an important part . Its development depends on educational demands and supplies , whoes scales , rapids and structures must be reconciled with the social economy and development .