
  • 网络Web服务;服务;标准
  1. Polling , in this context , means using a RESTful webservice to GET updates for each user .


  2. The @ WebService annotation simply makes the interface a Web service interface .


  3. Create a new folder called webservice in the directory Inetpub .


  4. Create a Rails application for the Web service by entering C : / ruby > rails webservice .


  5. The Development of Electric Power Equipment Inviting and Bidding Management Information System based on COM + / WebService Multi_tier Distributed Architecture


  6. Right-click Default Web Site = > New Web Site to create a virtual directory reference to the folder webservice .


  7. In this function , you invoke the webservice function by calling the getEmployees () method .


  8. Creating a basic Web service using JAX-WS is very easy : simply annotate the class with the @ WebService annotation .


  9. The same rules for mapping the WebService request to the WSDL file apply to mapping the result object and the WSDL .


  10. On the @ WebService annotation , you provide a name and a port name that you want to assign to the Web service .


  11. WebService calls tracing and inspection


  12. Start the Web service with the following command from the Web service directory : C : / ruby > webservice > ruby script / server .


  13. Using by J2EE + WebService + Oracle Stream + VPN technologies , it could real-time replicate the data of the direct network report system to the exchange system .


  14. Analyzes and designs the enterprise system framework of J2EE-based SOA / WebService by analyzing the features and the implementing technology of SOA , and describes the key beans .


  15. I simply liked MP3 : : Tag and WebService : : FreeDB better based on personal experience with them and for the reasons above .


  16. The mapping between WebService : : FreeDB fields and ID3v2 tag elements is tentative , but it has worked very well for me .


  17. In this case , JAX-WS assumes that any public method in a class annotated with @ WebService should be turned into a Web service operation that bears the same name as the method .


  18. In this example , the @ webService annotation type marks this class as a Web service , and @ webMethod marks the hellowworld method as a webMethod .


  19. We use the RemoteObject component in this sample because it lets you access business logic directly in its native format rather than formatting it as XML , as you do with HTTPService or WebService .
