
美 [ˈvʌlɡəraɪzɪŋ]英 [ˈvʌlɡəraɪzɪŋ]
  • v.使庸俗化;使通俗化
  • vulgarize的现在分词
  1. The article holds that this kind of usage can only be let to pass but the main reason for bringing about this kind use , i.e. , the tendency of vulgarizing language should be resisted .


  2. Its formulation course started in the fifties of the 20th century , and as a concept the former Soviet Union scholar put forward while reviewing dogmatism and vulgarizing 's harm to literature theory .


  3. But in the process there are many questions existing , such as the weakening of the news , no depth of the reporting , the tendency of vulgarizing the contents , the lack of stability of the edition and the lack of the brand and so on .
