
  • 网络沃尔皮;沃尔比
  1. The Volpi Cup is awarded to the best actor and actress .


  2. General director Beppe Marotta confirmed that the club intends to keep Volpi and is also hoping that Fabio Quagliarella will not leave town either .


  3. According to David Volpi , a sleep specialist and founder of EOS sleep ( formerly the Manhattan snoring and sleep center ) , adults generally need six to eight hours a night .


  4. Americans tend to consume the bulk of their protein at dinner , and the body isn 't always able to process an entire day 's worth in one sitting , said Dr. Volpi , who wasn 't involved in either study . '


  5. However , while the first wave of open source relied on making free versions of existing programs without adding much new , Mike Volpi , a partner at venture capital firm Index Ventures says new approaches are emerging with the growth of cloud computing and " big data " analysis .
