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  • 网络美国环球油品公司;环球油品公司;环球石油公司;环球油品;微操作
  1. Application of uop 's recycle bed catalyst regeneration in FCC revamping


  2. Discussion on the deoxidation of CCR catalyst in the unit using UOP regeneration technology


  3. Recent Development in Detergent Alkylation Catalyst of UOP


  4. She 's always picking me UOP on my grammar .


  5. Application of UOP molecule screen in 50m 3 / h air-separating equipment


  6. The vortex disengager system of UOP was adopted in the oil / gas separation system in the riser .


  7. Processing Dagang ATB with UOP catalytic cracking technology


  8. Advanced process control and real-time optimization system was applied to a 550 kt / a CCR unit of Liaoyang Petrochemical Company using UOP technology .


  9. UOP vortex separation system and high efficient stripping technology have been successfully applied in the FCCU revamping at Luoyang General Petrochemical Works .


  10. Commercial application of short contact time FCC technologies such as SCT of Exxon and MSCC of UOP were introduced .


  11. UOP / Chiyoda Acetic Acid Process


  12. These models have been applied successfully for the training simulators of the domestic units using UOP CCR refondng technology of second generation .


  13. ADS 34 adsorbent , newly developed by UOP , improved rotary valve and advanced ACCS system have been adopted in the unit .


  14. The advanced second generation patented ultra-low pressure continuous reforming process of UOP and the R-134 reforming catalyst were used in the unit .


  15. Analysis of Decrease Cause of Styrene Monomer Yield in Lummus / UOP Installation and Improvement of the Packing Box of Heat Exchangers


  16. This article describes the new ideas that the American firm UOP has proposed in recent years on the optimization of FCC flue gas energy recovering systems of refineries .


  17. The main technical challenge UOP ′ s two-stage hydrogenation technology needs to resolve is that strong exothermic reaction will result in too high temperatures on the catalyst bed .


  18. In recent years , NACE T-8 committee , UOP and API have been doing comprehensive research and studying the failure mechanism of REAC .


  19. Catalyst 481-3 developed by Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemical and R-56 developed by UOP all exhibited better performance and ability to meet the production requirement .


  20. Petrochemical hydrocracking unit project was completed in August last year , the device use a series hydrocracking technology , and hydrotreating and hydrocracking catalyst were developed by UOP .


  21. As to reaction technology , the UOP process is more competitive than the chlorination process and the hydrogen chloride stripping process and several improvements in the UOP process were reviewed .


  22. The reactor and regenerator system of FCCU in the Refinery of Tianjin Petrochemical Company was revamped by using the lastest patented technique VDS system of UOP .


  23. Air China , PetroChina , Boeing and UOP signed an agreement for the first demonstration flight using sustainable aviation biofuels that were produced from biomass planted and processed in China .


  24. When the capacity of LAB complex was expanded to 72 kt / a , the defects in the LAB distil-lation system designed by UOP were analyzed and the improvement project was put forward .


  25. The achievements in research of detergent alkylation catalyst by UOP in recent years are briefly introduced . The catalytic performances and the preparation and regeneration technology of clay catalyst and silicon oxide - alumina catalyst are emphatically described .


  26. The paper reviewed the production processes for acetic acid , and comparison was made between BASF , BP / Monsato and UOP / Chiyoda acetic acid processes , and to search for a new way to substitute the old process for our plant .


  27. Under air pressure and 85 ℃ used in UOP process , the oxidation speed of isopropylbenzene after the induced period with no stabilizer in bubble tank reactor having the smaller ratio of height to diameter is faster than that in loop and bubble reactors respectively .


  28. This paper reviewed the latest development of MTO technology of UOP / Hydro Company in aspects of process and catalysts , and analyzed its techno-economics emphatically . In the end , some conclusions were drawn and proposals were raised on the development of domestic MTO technology .
