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  • 网络超声计算机体层摄影术
  1. Emphasis on market details and optimization of prod - uct structure ;


  2. A new method for diffraction UCT in the case of obstructed data and the results from computer simulation have been given .


  3. Adjust Dead Account Preparation Rate for Collectable Account , and Raise Prod uct Profit of Enterprises


  4. Their prod ­ uct could be bad ;


  5. The first part introduces the research background and significance of Computer Go , research status and key technologies , including the Monte Carlo method and the UCT algorithm theory .


  6. Moreover , the corridor-type reaction pool can be transformed into the wastewater treatment process similar to UCT craft with the same method .


  7. The artificial intelligence of the game of Go develops quickly . The core of the computer Go is Monte-Carlo and UCT algorithm when they made some success .


  8. It is also pointed out that the mathematical foundation of PET , SPECT , OCT , UCT are of the same clan , except the MRI .


  9. This paper gives a formula of calculating the binding number of the prod - uct of the tensor of two circles and the paper also gives the process of its p - roof .


  10. The program of testing pile foundations with UCT is used in a segment of a pile , the result including isoline , chromatogram and three dimension distributing of velocity is presented .


  11. IT users could maintain control over their application landscape by asking suppliers to deliver a stan ­ dardized decision log along with their software solution or prod ­ uct .


  12. Dionne Shepherd of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at UCT is leading efforts to genetically engineer a type of maize resistant to the streak virus .


  13. This article first introduces a software prod - uct , SPIF , that meeting these kind of requirement , and then describes how we implement Project Planning and Schedule Monitoring in this system .


  14. By practice , it indicated that the UCT logging apparatus can detect the rust of thimble accurately and can evaluate the quality of cementation between the first and second interface intuitively .


  15. The different product information is related to the different time editions , on the basis of which , a configuration algorithm in the prod - uct design process is given and its feasibility is verified with the aid of an example .


  16. They are , in general , neither finite nor purely infinite . However , the class includes all AF-algebras . and all Kirchberg algebras with UCT and trivial K1-group .


  17. Mutual diffusion of a-Si / Ti layers studied at 180C by using XPS analysis has indicated that the atomic concentration of Ti and that of Si is almost equal and the prod - uct obtained is TiSi .


  18. The authors put forward several methods , such as increasing the pressure in the tower and throttle expansion to optimize the oper - ation of demethanizer in results of decreased loss of overhead ethylene and increased yield of ethylene prod - uct .
