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  • abbr.估计;欧洲电信标准协会;欧洲航天技术研究所(European Space Technology Institute)
  1. Research on Sustainable Development in Northwest China Based on ESTI


  2. Predictive motion esti - mation algorithm is analyzed and software optimization technique is studied .


  3. Esti mation of Bearing Capacity for Old Composite Truss Arch Bridges


  4. A Study tour report discusses on production of rice and animal husbandry in the U.S. , the esti -


  5. The Utilization of ESTI of Hi-CAD Sub-system In Editing Design Estimation


  6. The recognition rate is increased when maximum mutual information esti - mation is applied into connected digit speech recognition .


  7. SEP is an objective and valuable method to esti - mate the prognosis of comatose patients in the early period .


  8. In order to restore blur image effectively , certain parameter of blur function and statistical value of noise have to be esti - mated .


  9. Observe the relation of marks and line , it is the assistant of reference about esti mate the stent arrive to right position or not .


  10. The environmental sound technology innovation ( ESTI ) is now gradually substituting the traditional technology innovation and becoming the new direction of research on the strategies for resource-based sustainable development of cities .


  11. In this paper , the Enterococcus selective media ( EC ) were chosen for quantitive esti - mation and species distribution of Enterococci of 91 healthy persons ' faeces .


  12. The synchronous-pulse-control logic in real time is formed by solving esti - mated tracking data fusion parameters to implement the real time tracking of multi-laser-target and the real time picking of multi-laser signals .


  13. Given in this article are the theoretical fundamentals of the estimation of service life of welded structural members ; the difference in esti - mation of member service life by ways of nominal stress and local stress-strain analysis .


  14. It is described that according to the microstructure analysis it is not acceptable to esti - mate , from the point of view of classical fracture mechanics . The accuracy of measuring K_ ( IC ) by inden - tation methed is also described in the paper .


  15. On the basis of these studies , we discuss the relationship between LMS adaptive time delay esti - mator and the Roth processor which is in the frame of the generalized correlation time delay esti - mation and link and unify both of them with a Wiener filter .
