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  • 网络埃尔科;艾柯
  1. Application Practice of MVS Electromagnetic Deck - vibrating screen in Eko Iron Mine


  2. Since the end of2008 , Eko has entered a new territory in his creative process by creating collaborative works performed in a shadow puppet performance .


  3. Distinct Element Method ( DEM ) was applied to the analysis of the Slope at Eko Open-pit Mine on basis of a stochastic model of rock joints .


  4. This exhibit continues as an extension of the concepts developed by Eko Nugroho 's in his latest series of works , focusing on the basic idea of shadows as one of the most important artistic elements .


  5. Local painters such as Agung Kurniawan , the duo known as Indieguerillas , and the puppet maker and cartoonist Eko Nugroho offer an emphatic , whimsical yet brutal approach that can deliver scabrous commentary on politics and pop culture .
