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  • 网络经皮肾镜取石术;太平洋西北实验室;碎石术;潘泰莱里亚;经皮肾镜取石
  1. PNL waves study of several moderate strong earthquakes in northwestern China


  2. PNL Question-answering System Based on Fuzzy Description Logic


  3. This paper specifies precise natural language process based on fuzzy description logic as fuzzy PNL question-answering system .


  4. Objective To discuss the method and clinical value of 3D volumetric display in the diagnosis of pulmonary nodular lesion ( PNL ) .


  5. To investigate the clinical value of constructing PNL pathway using the2D ( 2-dimensional ) CT reconstruction to image the kidney and nearby organs .


  6. The source parameters of 9 strong events in the North China region have been determined with a joint moment tensor inversion of teleseismic and regional distance body waves ( P , SH , Pnl ) .


  7. Finally various separation algorithms proposed for PNL BSS / ICA and general nonlinear BSS / ICA are reviewed and give a conclusion about the problem and tendency on the development about nonlinear BSS / ICA .


  8. Considering the characteristic of BTT control , the relative motion equation is established in the polar coordinate , based on which the mathematical model of BTT guidance system is obtained . Then BTT PNL is deeply analyzed .


  9. To improve the disadvantages such as computation-demanding and imprecise estimate of score function , of the existing methods for PNL mixture , we proposed a novel post-nonlinear blind source separation algorithm based on mutual information minimization .


  10. Conclusion The 3D volumetric display of PNL can be easily obtained using spiral CT machine . The quality of image mainly depends on the primitive data , and this new method is valuable in characteristic diagnosis and selecting operation-plan .


  11. Such parameters as time nonlinear parameters ( TDNL , TINL ), amplitude nonlinear parameters ( ADNL , AINL ) and phase nonlinear parameter ( PNL ) can be used to describe its static performance .


  12. 16 patients were primarily stone-free , 7 patients had clinically insignificant residual stones that passed spontaneously after PNL , and 12 patients needed auxiliary measures . Average operative duration was 158 minutes . No major complications were discovered .


  13. Most of the earthquake data recorded by our seismograph network are in the range of 3 ° - 13 ° . The study of Pnl - wave in this range shows great significance in the research of regional stress field , plate dynamics and crustal structures .
