- adj.乏味的;无聊的;枯燥的

It was a methodical , unexciting chore .
But company life is often unexciting .
The word ' unexciting ' could never be applied to her novels .
He is regarded as very capable but unexciting
The actual jobs are often unexciting - although that doesn 't really matter .
Long an unexciting province within asset management , money funds have played a big role in the crunch .
San Francisco was a pretty , but unexciting tourist town .
Canadians by nature are prudent and our financial system has been characterised as unexciting .
The word'apocalypse'historically meant merely'a revealing ' , and we 're using it in that unexciting sense .
So it can be a heartbreakingly unexciting business at times .
This unexciting generalization from experience is the zeroth law of thermodynamics . The condition of having given birth .
Then , one day I found myself in a job I didn 't like and doing activities that I found very uninteresting and unexciting .
Enough with the unexciting golf games on featureless terrain , where obstacles just let the balls pass right by !
Unglamorous , usually unexciting and normally invisible , the world 's financial plumbing is gummed up .
Having hired the guy in the first place , I suspect your proposition is so unexciting that any monkey can present it .
Without them , the Earth would be dull and unexciting , and the countryside would not be the multi-coloured wonderland we know .
A speech , as heavy with technical material as this one had to be , was unexciting froma press reporter 's viewpoint .
If you study regularly each day , step by step your vocabulary will increase . This unexciting generalization from experience is the zeroth law of thermodynamics .
The world sees London , with its mature economy and buttoned-up banking world , as a stodgy , unexciting place to live and do business .
The only reason it doesn 't have the same ring as Wembley is because the stadium was built in one unexciting London suburb rather than another .
Yet the market will probably have to cope with some spectacular bankruptcies in 2009 and in a more muted capitalist environment the earnings prospect in the developed world looks unexciting .
When the restaurant opened last summer , the Night Market took some hits from local bloggers and online food reviewers for being lackluster ─ bland seasoning , high priced and unexciting .
I had had it with life . My career was unexciting . My marriage was on the rocks and I didn 't like the direction my figure was going . I felt life was boring and meaningless .
The only surprise about " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny , " the thoroughly unexciting sequel that became available on Netflix on Friday , is that anyone thought it needed to be made .
Handling paperwork was her job both at the church hospital at Nyankunde , where she and Jo worked for 19 years , and at HEAL Africa , where " programme manager " was the unexciting title she gave herself .