- vt.打开…的瓶塞
过去式: uncorked 现在分词: uncorking 过去分词: uncorked 第三人称单数: uncorks

Steve uncorked bottles of champagne to toast the achievement .
She uncorked the bottle and poured out the contents .
Yet it would be unwise to uncork that English champagne just yet .
Uncork the bottle one hour before .
And China and India need very fast growth indeed to satisfy the uncorked genie of development - Hungry populations .
I have uncorked my tongue , and Italian is pouring forth !
Deep drawing is a typical method to make uncork hollow part of thin wall , and this method is significantly important in the industrial practice .
Ever been in the midst of battle , and find yourself without the time to uncork that heal potion ?
Finally , an example of uncork mechanism of simple loom creative design is provided to verify the validity of the creative principle and corresponding prototype system .
White wines , champagnes , and roses are uncorked just before serving .
Most red wines should be uncorked for a certain amount of time before serving , to allow the release of pent-up gases .
There was no label this time with the words ' DRINK ME ,' but nevertheless she uncorked it and put it to her lips .
By wooing the neglected peasant base , he ( possibly unwittingly ) uncorked long bottled-up tensions .
Kodak 's Rochester , New York , branch discovered a way for its 20000 employees to uncork that bottled up resentments .
If United do win another title in May , you can bet that he will probably be in the shadows when the champagne is uncorked , but his contribution to the cause shouldn 't be underestimated .
After uncorking a bottle of Frascati , that crisp , young white wine of ancient pedigree that so perfectly accompanies the Roman summer , Flavia sets me to work on my last challenge : making stuffed , deep-fried zucchini flowers .
The Cavaliers haven 't necessarily found that switch , but they are winning . ( The Dahntay Jones Effect , perhaps ? ) And an eight-day layoff gave them plenty of time to practice and uncork their best , sustained performance of the playoffs .
Me la cavo , is how you would say it in Italian , which basically means , " I can get by , " but comes from the same verb you use to talk about uncorking a bottle of wine , meaning , " I can use this language to extract myself from tight situations . "