
  • n.自愿;无拘无束,自由自在,无限制


the trait of lacking restraint or control;reckless freedom from inhibition or worry
she danced with abandon
Synonym: abandon wantonness


  1. Meeting the nature of the human beings ' chase of unconstraint , Wireless local area networks , after its appearance , has been experiencing a booming development .


  2. Prebiously , I imagined myself to be a kite due to the feeling of unconstraint and I want more freedom .


  3. A fast iteration algorithm for one dimensional unconstraint optimization problems of convex functions is suggested .


  4. Property Rights system includes five fundamental requirements : equality , justice , equivalence , unconstraint and honesty .


  5. Nonmonotone Quasi-Newton Trust Region Algorithm for Unconstraint Optimization


  6. Hill Climbing Algorithm for Unconstraint Knapsack Problem


  7. An Optimum-Direction-Search Method for Two-Dimensional Unconstraint Optimum Problems


  8. When we are developing a real-time collaborative system , three requirements of real-time , distribution and unconstraint are to be fulfilled .


  9. A new unconstraint multicast routing algorithm based on genetic strategy , using Boltzmann acceptance rule and two populations , is presented in this paper .


  10. The research on the design of control system without constraint is mature . It is very difficult to apply the method on unconstraint control system to constraint control system .


  11. The meta-model has been optimized by PSO method after giving initial parameters and transforming the constraint problem into unconstraint problem based on penalty function method .


  12. A Second Thought on the Principles of Equality , Unconstraint , Impartiality , Being Tantamount and Honest in the Civil Law


  13. Unconstraint Principle of Contracts


  14. The highly efficient technique of one-dimensional unconstraint optimum problems is herein employed for determining the searching direction of two-dimensional unconstraint optimum problems .


  15. MATLAB software can solve many kinds of problems in optimal design , such as linear programming , unconstraint programming , quadratic programming and nonlinear constraint programming etc. .


  16. We call current network tomography as unconstraint network tomography for its not adding any constraint condition and all of them nearly are based on some likelihood algorithm .


  17. Pure unconstraint moments of7.5 Nm in all anatomic planes with and without an axial preload of500 N were applied to the upper vertebral body .


  18. The former belongs to that of the unconstraint minimization of quadratic function , the latter belongs to that of the unconstraint minimization of multivariable polynomial .


  19. In the above three quite different cultures Chinese reserve , Thai and Burmese simplicity , and Spanish boldness and unconstraint , he finds out the same nature the original state of human life .


  20. Because it can only take a half model which is unconstraint in the horizontal direction to calculate in the single edge-crack problem , the problem will not be calculated caused by the errors of the equivalent node forces .


  21. [ Method ] A total of 40 unconstraint people ( mean age 33 ) and 112 patients suffering from orthopaedic disease were made gait analysis using 3-D gait analysis system ( VICONCompany , V-612 , U.K. ) .


  22. The aluminum alloy wheels produced by spinning which have the advantages of unconstraint of sizes , beautiful appearance , good performance , high security , saving materials , etc has become a new forming technology and has a good momentum of development .


  23. On the base of knowledge on game theory , this paper established a mathematical model on players ' unconstraint investment in public goods under the condition of complete information within enterprise . With this background , we analyzed the problem of the enterprise ' culture construction .


  24. Considering many data in engineering generally obeyed cutting-tail distribution , a method for cutting-tail distribution parameter estimation and confirm its distribution type which was solved by constructing nonlinear unconstraint minimum χ 2 value model was introduced , and it was proved to be available by the computing case .
