Mr Diamond is equally unapologetic about the return of big bonuses .
It is that Mr Brown 's current , resolutely unapologetic approach isn 't working .
He has been unapologetic about putting social issues front and centre , even in a time of economic strife .
On industrial policy , he is an unapologetic interventionist .
German policymakers are unapologetic and say it is good that markets are disciplining borrowers .
Explain your early-retirement decision to interviewers in a professional , unapologetic way .
Chris Cox , Facebook 's chief product officer , was unapologetic about the shifting rules .
It was not only what Alan told him that he found repellent , but the unapologetic attitude .
the Dolce & Gabbana floral coat cost an unapologetic $ 51500 .
Love your body . Be unapologetic about who you are . Walk with confidence . Hug yourself because you are beautiful .
The butler in his tail coat waiting at the entrance sets the scene for unapologetic luxury on an epicurean scale .
John 's vocal is brutally raw towards the finale of the song and it really shows his unabashed and unapologetic personality .
A hawkish Chinese strategist at the conference was unapologetic , growling that America was " taking the Chinese as the enemy " .
So , if there 's one thing that we can learn from Maisel , it 's her " unapologetic confidence . "
Mr Krauthammer recommended that this be done by " unapologetic and implacable demonstrations of will " .
And as an unapologetic supporter of our transatlantic alliance , she knew that with strength and resolve we could win the Cold War and extend freedom 's promise .
Gass is an unapologetic snob when it comes to the arts , and wields this attitude in ways both playful and serious .
For Bezos , it 's building for the long term and being unapologetic about it ; that idea is very freeing for entrepreneurs who are trying to build their own business .
His curmudgeonly nature , moderate misanthropy and unapologetic gluttony are all recognisable traits that have endeared him to millions .
She laid out a vision for the Sunnyvale , Calif. - based company that in many ways is the anti-yang : unapologetic , fresh , forward-looking , and innovative .
And he is unapologetic about that .
And over the past 12 months , the 21-year-old former Nickelodeon ( an American TV channel for kids and adolescents ) star has transformed from a pop artist you might recognize to an unapologetic superstar .
Hart confirmed that he would not host the Oscars during an unapologetic interview on Wednesday morning where he said he was ' over ' discussing his homophobic post and had ' nothing to prove ' to anyone .
and unapologetic about her flaws and about reconciling all of her contradictory feelings and she makes you listen to them and think about them , and yeah , so please be Stevie Nicks .
John Mullan ( an unapologetic Janeite ) takes delight in a close reading of her works , and Claudia Johnson ( a Janeite with objectivity ) traces the development of Janeism from the late 19th century to the present day .
Well before same-sex marriage became widely recognized around the world ( though not in Italy ) , the two were openly living together as lovers , unapologetic as they showed up in their tight white T-shirts at gay clubs like the Sound Factory .
We 'll take a look at three ways Veep 's powerhouse character , Amy Brookheimer , is showing working women everywhere that being tenacious , unapologetic , and " bossy " is nothing to be afraid of in their careers .
he 's also an unapologetic racist who looks out from his hotel room at gardeners " picking up leaves with the lethargic slow motion of colored help " and sees Koreans as being " rather lower than apes in the mammalian hierarchy . "