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美 [tɑːmˈfuːləri]英 [tɒmˈfuːləri]
  • n.愚蠢的行为

复数: tomfooleries




  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 蠢事;愚蠢的行为;瞎闹
    Tomfoolery is playful behaviour, usually of a rather silly, noisy, or rough kind.

    Were you serious, or was that a bit of tomfoolery?



foolish or senseless behavior
Synonym: folly foolery craziness lunacy indulgence


  1. Were you serious , or was that a bit of tomfoolery ?


  2. Right , that 's enough of this tomfoolery , it 's time you got on with some work .


  3. There was a lot of tomfoolery in the class when the teacher stepped out .


  4. I am not proud , also not commit tomfoolery , is tired of all depend on .


  5. And there 's no better time than now to talk to a couple experts on everything you need to know to appropriately bask in the tomfoolery this year .


  6. No joke : Researchers say we are moving away from personal , real-world pranks and into a world of media-driven jokes and Internet tomfoolery .


  7. For all his tomfoolery , the big cat does have a naughty streak and a penchant for eating sofas .


  8. I only hope to have around you , you can warm my air , I am not proud , also not commit tomfoolery , is tired of all depend on .


  9. A man , I think he 'd have whaled all this musical and artistic tomfoolery out of you . ( Smoke Bellow by Jack London ) .


  10. Jiang just continued with his fishing , and was soliloquising , " Fishing , fishing . No fish has been hooked-but shrimp is up to tomfoolery . "


  11. JOSS-STICKS , n.Small sticks burned by the Chinese in their pagan tomfoolery , in imitation of certain sacred rites of our holy religion .


  12. But , I the most dear , why you can 't come to a stop again to embrace my term I act in pettish term I commited tomfoolery ?


  13. The panda dog is not a separate breed of pooch at all , but rather a chow which has undergone a lot of cosmetic tomfoolery to make it resemble a panda .


  14. The Grigsby family did not invite him when their two sons were married later in a double ceremony , and he evened matters by writing some tomfoolery that was passed around the neighborhood with a chuckle .


  15. Of course , this is the comic book industry , so in a few weeks or months there 's a solid possibility the captain 's supposed double-cross will be revealed as mind control , an alternate timeline or some other narrative tomfoolery .


  16. You might naturally assume that prank calls are exclusively carried out by teenage boys with nothing but time on their hands , but apparently even accomplished 43-year-old astronauts can partake in some prank call tomfoolery , even if accidental , every now and again .


  17. Then there is also the fact that " Jats ! " is local dialect for what you say when you are surprised , an odd feature for the name of a cola . That is , unless the creators of this drink had some tomfoolery in mind when they made it !
