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  • 网络三峡水库;正向阻断恢复时间
  1. Application of GPS technique for geological hazard professional monitoring in TGR Area


  2. The results show that the ground conductivity has significant influence on TGR .


  3. Performance and evaluation of parallel graph rewriting abstract machine pam / tgr


  4. A study on TGR polyurea grease and its industrial application


  5. Social data ( statistic yearbook , etc ) and policy data of development of TGR were collected .


  6. Effects of the Three Gorges Reservoir ( TGR ) Phase - ⅰ Water Storage on the Yangtze River Sediment


  7. Thyroid goiter rate ( TGR ) of 725 subjects was 4.8 % .


  8. Methods The iodine nutritional status and total goiter rate ( TGR ) of 8 ~ 10 year old children in different areas were analysed .


  9. First , a model of the minimal search angle in the azimuth of the terminal guidance radar ( TGR ) is deduced .


  10. At first , the space-time distributing of sand in Chongqing region of TGR has being studied based on granularmetric analysis data of sand .


  11. In the end , this paper puts forward correlative measures about the prevention and cure of ecological environment problems in wet-dry zones of the TGR .


  12. Taking the Three Gorges Reservoir area ( TGR ) as a case , research the coordinated development of urbanization and industrial structure is the keystone of the paper .


  13. TGR ( The Goiter Rate ) by palpation was 10.5 % , The goiter rate by ultrasonic method was 14.2 % .


  14. At last , on these bases , the paper comes up with some proposal on how to deal with coordinated development of urbanization and industrial structure in the TGR .


  15. The main sources and quantities of water pollution loads ( WPLs ) released into TGR are analyzed by using the problem-oriented approach used in life cycle assessment .


  16. The stochastic precipitation generator was coupled with the proposed flood forecasting model for TGR intervening basin and the analytic distribution of the quantitative precipitation forecasting uncertainty was obtained .


  17. Conclusions The reason on the high TGR of school children in the non-reaching standard counties lies in 3 respects below : ① the wrong method of calculating age ;


  18. According to the general operation rules of the Three Gorges Reservoir ( TGR ), a comprehensive operation model , in which the hydrologic and hydraulic uncertainties are considered , is developed .


  19. Non horizontal Multi Layer Finite Element Model is applied in this paper to simulate the flow and the concentration of Wanzhou Reach in The Three Gorges Reservoir ( TGR ) .


  20. Conclusion : TGR can attenuate myocardial and aorta hypertrophy induced by renovascular hypertension , and suppress the rise of Ang ⅱ in tissue significantly .


  21. In this paper , the parallel graph rewriting abstract machine PAM / TGR based on the Heterogeneous Parallel Graph Rewriting Execution Model HPGREM > is introduced firstly .


  22. The influences of homogeneous , layered and fractional improved conductivity soil on transient grounding resistance ( TGR ) under pulsed discharging current are analyzed by using FDTD method in this paper .


  23. Methods According to " National IDD Surveillance Project ", the thyroid goiter rate ( TGR ) of children , the level of iodized salt and urinary iodine etc were detected .


  24. The separating characteristic of element in cumulate MSW is a very important base to investigate the synthetically managing technology and estimate the water environment effects in Three Gorge Reservoir ( TGR ) .


  25. They tested the compounds on the TGR enzyme itself , the worms that carry schistosome parasites , and mice infected with Schistosoma masoni .


  26. With the completion of the Three-gorge Project ( TGP ), the residence time of the water body will be prolonged , and the eutrophication within TGR will be aggravated .


  27. To explore the effect of Tiangui Recipe ( TGR ) on obesity and anovulation in androgen-sterilized rats ( ASR ) from the gene transcription level .


  28. Objective To study the import way of schistosomiasis and the vector snail in Three Gorges Reservoir areas ( TGR ), so as to provide the reference for the surveillance , early warning of schistosomiasis .


  29. The impulse current 's rise time is shorter , its width is narrower and the frequency range is wider , the maximum value of the TGR is higher and the time when TGR become constant is longer .


  30. A one-dimensional water flow and water quality model of the Three Gorges Reservoir ( TGR ) has been developed and applied to predict the general change of water flow and water quality after and before the Three Gorges Project ( TGP ) .
