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  • 网络第一工作组;全球治理指标;治理指数;第一工作组报告;指标
  1. The WGI measure the following six components of good governance


  2. The full WGI volume , called " Governance Matters VI ," shows how the six aggregate indicators are constructed .


  3. The Worldwide Governance Indicators ( WGI ) project shows how this challenge can be met .


  4. New Zealand and Australia tied for first place with WGI scores of57 percent .


  5. PKF algorithm can avoid the nonlinear coupling phenomenon between system parameters and state variables , and WGI procedure with an objective function is applied to obtain the stable and convergent solutions .


  6. Based on the WGI , the researchers estimate that when governance is improved by one standard deviation , incomes rise about three-fold in the long run , and infant mortality declines by two-thirds .


  7. This dataset attempts to set a standard for transparency , the authors say , noting they have submitted papers relating to the WGI to refereed publications and chapter publications in books .


  8. The WGI report stated that New Zealand and Australia have a history of emphasizing the importance of donating to those less fortunate . In both countries , philanthropy is strongly supported by the government .
