- n.太特;手手(姓)

Two large Indian coal groups Jindal and Coal India both have concessions in Tete .
Tete has billions of tons of both thermal coal used in power plants and harder , more expensive coking coal , which is mixed with iron ore to make steel .
A whole day 's tete-a Tete between two women can never end without a quarrel .
African Unions Permanent Observer to the UN , Antonio Tete : Mali is at a crossroads .
At weekends Mario 's Bar , near the clogged and dusty centre of Tete , is open until five or six o'clock in the morning .
A railway that runs from the port of Beira to moatize , 30 miles north of Tete , was brought back into operation this year by Indian operators .
The tale begins with two letters written in early April by Hans Albert , begging his father to visit him and his brother Tete in Zurich for spring vacation .
He pointed out that the tobacco crop is the main livelihood for a large number of families in the provinces of Nampula , Niassa , Tete and Zambezia .
Tete sits directly above one of the world 's largest reserves of high-quality coal , and investment is pouring in , with Brazilian , Australian , Indian and other interests committing hundreds of millions of dollars to mining projects .
No coal has yet been mined at the huge open pits that are planned , but foreign technicians , engineers and geologists , along with migrant workers from neighbouring rural provinces , have begun to make their homes in Tete .
Tete de Femme ( Jacqueline ), a 1963 portrait of the artist 's second wife , had not been seen in public since 1967 and was expected to fetch £ 3 million to £ 4 million , Christie 's said .
The three-man delegation , which was led by Ferro Ribeiro , visited the provinces of Tete , where the Cahora Bassa dam is located , and Zamb é zia .
African Union 's Permanent Observer to the UN , Antonio Tete : " Mali is at a crossroads . Time is of essence . We need to act fast and to send a clear and strong message ( on the resolve of international community and its support to the African-led efforts . ) "