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  • 网络电加热催化剂;抗燃油;催化剂;环境卫生标准
  1. Analysis on turbine EHC system and some proposals to its development in China


  2. The positive analysis of EHC operation .


  3. The form of EHC contains the form of individual human capital and the form of organizational human capital .


  4. The forth and fifth chapter researches the stimulation mechanism and constriction mechanism of EHC .


  5. Foams having higher porosity showed higher EHC .


  6. The research of the EHC utilization , including the incentive and constraint mechanism , the coordination and configuration of EHC ;


  7. The research of the evaluation of EHC operation effect , including the calculation of input cost and output value , and the evaluation of EHC operation effect ;


  8. Electrohydrodynamic convection ( EHC ) of nematic liquid crystals is a well suited system to study pattern formation in anisotropic fluids .


  9. As EHC is a kind of economic resource and also a fundamental one , its collocation efficiency directly determines the collocation efficiency of all the other resources .


  10. Operation efficiency of EHC not only depends on single link 's efficiency , coordination efficiency between all links , but depends on adaptation to the whole operation processes and environment .


  11. Therefore , improving its performance , can be beneficial to enhancing the control performance of the EHC servo system , better satisfying the market requirements and pushing forward the fluid power technology .


  12. The key to improve the operation efficiency of EHC is systematically operating EHC from " factor-relation-state-process " of EHC according to the objective process and the " systematical operation mechanism " objective law .


  13. The essence of EHC operation is to strengthen the characteristic of human capital to difficult to imitate and not to be able be substituted and to culture the enterprise ' core competitive competence and acquire persistent competitive advantage .


  14. Actually , the lifecycle characteristic of entrepreneur growth is the outside performance of the lifecycle characteristic of EHC renewal . Secondly , we consider that the motive of entrepreneur growth come from two aspects of inside and outside .


  15. The classical electrohydrodynamic convection ( EHC ) structures , observed first by Williams and Kapustin , and rolls with a wave vector parallel or slightly oblique to the director easy axis in planar sandwich cells .


  16. The experiment was designed to study the difference of enzyme-hydrolyzed casein ( EHC ) and difference method ( DF ) for determining True Digestibility of Amino acids ( TAAAs ) and Endogenous Amino acids Losses ( EAALs ) of Animal fed on normal Protein-containing diets .
