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  1. Transverse Momentum Analysis in the non-relativistic SUU Approach


  2. Miss Suu Kyi now routinely features on the itinerary of senior foreign visitors .


  3. Hotel worker Yamin says only Aung San Suu Kyi can meet Burma 's needs .


  4. Nyan Win said Campbell would meet Suu Kyi in a government guesthouse on Monday afternoon .


  5. Perhaps a solution could be found with Aung San Suu Kyi , who could negotiate with the ethnic armies .


  6. Burmese Americans waited in line for more than six hours to see their heroine - the woman they call Mommy Suu ,


  7. Suu Kyi has said that she frequently downloaded radio programs from the Internet that she had missed while under house arrest .


  8. Ms. Suu Kyi is admired in a nation being transformed by a nominally civilian government after decades of military rule .


  9. Some Suu Kyi sceptics who are beneficiaries of the status quo worry that she may seek to shake up the established order .


  10. This time a government spokesman gave a press conference and said that Miss Suu Kyi 's banned political party should somehow be brought into national politics .


  11. According to him , Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also needs to promote participation of the ethnic nationalities to build a genuine union .


  12. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said releasing Suu Kyi was crucial to pave the way for planned elections in Burma next year .


  13. A similar agreement in1997 between a number of groups gained the support of imprisoned Burmese opposition leader , Aung San Suu Kyi .


  14. Aung San Suu Kyi 's defense team had ed four witnesses but was only allowed two , while the prosecution was allowed 14 .


  15. The priest , who wished to remain anonymous , also said an apparent thawing in relations between Suu Kyi and the new civilian government could make this possible .


  16. As a former comrade of independence hero Aung San , he maintained a close friendship with Suu Kyi 's mother Khin Kyi and the family .


  17. Once you get to know them . Aung San Suu Kyi said this week that she expects the contacts between the two sides may turn into all round political dialogue in next few weeks .


  18. For I was worried about visiting Burma , concerned that it was unethical to promote tourism there and that it went against Suu Kyi 's call to boycott Burma .


  19. THE latest period of house arrest for Aung San Suu Kyi , a continual irritant to the authoritarian junta that runs Myanmar ( formerly Burma ), is set to end .


  20. In the defense appeal , Nyan Win argued that Suu Kyi 's house arrest extension was unlawful as it was based on provisions from the1974 Constitution which was no longer in effect .


  21. The United Nations Security Council has adjourned an emergency session without agreeing a response to the sentencing of Burma 's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to a further period of detention .


  22. If Miss Suu Kyi could persuade the insurgents thatMyanmar 's many ethnic groups are indeed , as she put it ," like siblings from a single family ", it would be another huge boon to the regime .


  23. Under house arrest for years , agitating for her freedom , mourned by the kingdom that misses her , she 's the Aung San Suu Kyi of fairy-tale heroines .


  24. The original Panglong conference was a pre-independence agreement signed by ethnic leaders and Suu Kyi 's father , Gen Aung San , that guaranteed the rights of Burma 's ethnic minorities in1948 .


  25. Aug.11,2009 : Suu Kyi 's detention is extended by18 months when a court convicts her of violating her house arrest by briefly sheltering an American intruder who swam to her house uninvited .


  26. Many political dissidents around the world , in particular , Dawn Aung Suu Kyi of Burma , is a rare exception to the rule that says maintaining unpopular views or unpopular attitudes or approaches in any field will destroy you .
