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  1. The unique Sano consultation concept has been the key to success here .


  2. It is the tale of Bennett Sano , now aged nearly four , adopted by an American family and living in Seattle .


  3. The Romans might have told us , wisely , to aim for mens sana in corpore sano .


  4. But Ms Sano and her husband , Chris - who is deaf - plan to let Bennett decide later if he wants an implant .


  5. Sano model and deduced by the rate equations for excess electron and excess hole , can be used in DC analysis , AC analysis and transient analysis . The result of DC photoelectric characteristic simulation coincided with the experiment very well .


  6. In the face of Mr Sano 's repeated denials of plagiarism , Olivier Debie , the Belgian designer , filed a lawsuit against the International Olympic Committee demanding the emblem not be used .


  7. In order to study the variation of shell effects as well as pairing effects with nuclear temperature , we have extended the work of Sano and Yamasaki to generalize the HFB equations to finite nuclear temperature with the help of variational principle .


  8. Since the twin emblems for the Olympics and Paralympics were revealed on July 24 , their creator , Kenjiro Sano , has been besieged with allegations that he copied the design from a theatre in the Belgian city of Liege .
