Your store card is like a50 percent-off cashmere coat .
Google 's offered a similar digital wallet for years , but Apple 's version will not collect transaction info or store card numbers on your device .
Emily : I 'll use my store card . There 's a ten-percent discount and I get six-months interest-free credit .
The only way out of a debt crisis is to deal with your debts . That 's why households are paying down their credit card and store card bills .
Would you like to receive our store credit card ?
Could I interest you in our store credit card ?
Hi . I 'd like to get your store credit card .
I 'm interested in a store credit card .
The store credit card can be used to make purchases only at a particular store .
Customers " bank details are then stored with payment provider Worldpay , in the same way you can store your card details when shopping online .
The store 's card reader failed to scan the card 's magnetic strip . Azar tried again and again . No luck .
Under the city 's second annual Gun Buyback program which started on Saturday , residents surrendered their firearms in exchange for a grocery store gift card or a prepaid Visa card .
Consumers boosted their borrowing again in February , though much of the rise was due to an increase in non-revolving credits , things like education and auto loans rather than for revolving credit which covers store and credit card debts .
At one point , she tried to pay for items at a retail store with her debit card , and the card was rejected .
Messages commonly contain information about the value of a transaction , where it originated ( which store or ATM ), card account number , and bank sort code .
Is this store a member store of this card ?