
美 [riːks]英 [riːks]
  • v.造成(巨大的破坏或伤害)
  • wreak的第三人称单数



  • 2
    VERB 造成(混乱或破坏)
    Something or someone that wreaks havoc or destruction causes a great amount of disorder or damage.

    Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera, leaving three people dead and dozens injured...


  • 3
    VERB 实施(报复)
    If you wreak revenge or vengeance on someone, you do something that will harm them very much to punish them for the harm they have done to you.

    He threatened to wreak vengeance on the men who toppled him a year ago.


  • 4
    See also:wrought

  1. Worshipping the sun wreaks havoc on skin . So does smoking .


  2. His hard work wreaks havoc in his personal life .


  3. If I accept a malicious piece of code that wreaks havoc on my computer , whose fault is it ?


  4. Masses mediation now is being displaced by grand mediation in practice which wreaks extreme deviation between the expression and practice of law .


  5. El Nino -- which means ' little boy ' in Spanish -- wreaks havoc in weather patterns across the Asia-Pacific regions .


  6. In an RT environment , however , the JIT compiler introduces an unpredictable run-time behaviour that wreaks havoc on worst-case execution time analysis .


  7. It is a scenario that many biologists have reason to fear , as man-made climate change wreaks havoc with natural habitats around the globe .


  8. and that wreaks havoc on familial partnerships .


  9. In another episode , a heartbroken performer of traditional kabuki theater turns into a monster and wreaks havoc on his community .


  10. The strength wreaks havoc the society plays the attack , to stop the role which the evil influence wreaks havoc and to have the purification social convention the function ;


  11. That may be the one virtue of the rising yen and the destruction it wreaks : It is exposing the ineptitude of the Hatoyama administration 's economic policies .


  12. Every time a Katrina , Rita or Wilma wreaks her havoc , firms around the world worry that a vital supplier may have been knocked out of their increasingly global supply chains .


  13. But , if you 've decided that the benefits of procrastination are not worth it compared to the havoc it wreaks on your personal and professional life , now may be the time to make some changes .


  14. Capable of sacrificing themselves by unleashing their innate energy in a devastating detonation which wreaks havoc on their enemies , the wisps are sure to be valued allies in battle .


  15. Tragedy is an ancient but popular literary or artistic form which is universally appreciated and long loved by a massive number of audiences , largely because of the havoc tragedy wreaks on us both visually and mentally .


  16. Dwelling Narrowness , ' a hit TV series about the struggles of two sisters to make it in the dynamic metropolis of Shanghai , focuses on a decidedly less glamorous aspect of in the big city : rising property prices , and they havoc this wreaks on youthful ambitions .
