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  • 网络夫人;太太;女士


an Italian title of address equivalent to Mrs. when used before a name


  1. ' What is the matter with Signora Anna ? ' he whispered , horror-struck at her vacant face .


  2. In the mountains , signora . we 're strong enough now .


  3. The Signora received his assurance with very little palpitation or appearance of surprise .


  4. When I wasn 't up for school , Signora Franci came into my dark , blue room .


  5. The Signora rested safely on her couch . He was lying prone on the couch , fast asleep .


  6. Hours later , Signora Franci came in again , this time with green velvet slippers she had bought because I always walked around in socks .


  7. Signora , your daughter she 's out with my son , my fiorindo .


  8. Yes , it was a fine rose , the Conte said proudly when they praised it , and he would tell the Signora about it .


  9. Signora Franci didn 't take care of me because of anything else but basic human concern : Someone is sick , she 's away from her home , make her better .


  10. The first morning of class , my host-mother , Signora Franci , escorted me on the bus so I wouldn 't get lost .


  11. The signora was attractive .


  12. Dressed all in white , a long white braid down her back , Signora Capasa , the matriarch of the family , is impossibly chic .


  13. There were Garrone 's father , Derossi 's mother , the blacksmith Precossi , Coretti , Signora Nelli ,


  14. If the Signora admires it , I must give her a cutting to plant also in her garden ; I am told the English have beautiful gardens that are green , and not burnt with the sun like ours .


  15. At length she returned with a lamp ; and Archer , having meanwhile put together a phrase out of Dante and Petrarch , evoked the answer : " La signora e fuori ; ma verra subito " ; which he took to mean : " She 's out -- but you 'll soon see . "


  16. All this pomp and luxury seemed to weary him ; but soon he felt relieved , for the princely old master of the house received him most graciously ,, almost heartily ; and when he took his leave he was requested to step into the Signora 's apartment , for she , too , wished to see him .
