- abbr.supplementary 增补者,增补物

Solar Energy Power Suppy Device has several problems tentative exploration in popularization and application
The Hight Voltage Power Suppy Design of a Fast Flow Industrial CO 2 Laser
Simulation Model of Matlab / Simulink-based DC Power Suppy with Inductor Filter
Electricity Suppy System in Open PIT Mine
Conclusion CABG can distinctly improve the blood suppy of myocardial and the heart function , remit angina pectoris ;
Some organs such as bowel with anastomosing blood supplies , or liver with a dual blood suppy , are hard to infarct .
Since the consistent definition of supply chain management and suppy chain performance measurement is not formed , the complete and consistent index system for supply chain performance measurement has not been built .
The article illustrates the application and fundamental working principle of CO 2 laser in fast flow industry . It also analyzes the designing principle of hight voltage power suppy and stable current circuit .
The average power consumption of flow meters all day is very little , reaching the effects of low-power micro-complement . At the same time , a major study on the power suppy and the control system of power supply is made .
The Economy is Prosperous , The population is Denseness , The Traffic is Convenient , Information is Abundant in Incity of Wuhan , It can Suppy for favorable Conditions for Sports Consunption .
The suppy and demand situation on coke market both at home and abroad in recent year is described . In accord with the developing trend of world raw steel production , the increase trend and developing direction of coke within the future 10 to 20 years is predicted .
The mobilization of soil phosphorus by soil biota involved mainly solubilization of insoluble inorganic phosphorus by excretion of protons and organic acids , and hydrolysis of organic phosphorus by phosphatases . The processes of phosphorus mobilization were regulated by the equilibrium between soil phosphorus suppy and plant P demand .