
美 [ˈʃɑːrpli]英 [ˈʃɑːpli]
  • adv.急剧地;严厉地;明显地;鲜明地;猛烈地;尖刻地;突然大幅度地;迅疾而突然地

sharp adj.锋利的 + -ly ...地





in a critical, rough or severe way

The report was sharply critical of the police.


‘Is there a problem?’ he asked sharply.



suddenly and by a large amount

Profits fell sharply following the takeover.


The road fell sharply to the sea.



in a way that clearly shows the differences between two things

Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children.



quickly and suddenly or loudly

She moved sharply across the room to block his exit.


He rapped sharply on the window.



used to emphasize that sth has a sharp point or edge

sharply pointed




  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 锋利的;锐利的
    A sharp point or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. A sharp knife, tool, or other object has a point or edge of this kind.

    The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick...


  • 2
    ADJ-GRADED 尖的;有尖角的
    You can describe a shape or an object as sharp if part of it or one end of it comes to a point or forms an angle.

    His nose was thin and sharp.


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED 突然转向的;急转弯的
    A sharp bend or turn is one that changes direction suddenly.

    I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.


  • Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.

    9 号房间在走道尽头向右急转弯处。

  • 5
    ADJ-GRADED (人)敏锐的,灵敏的,敏捷的,机灵的
    If you describe someone as sharp, you are praising them because they are quick to notice, hear, understand, or react to things.

    He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee...


  • I much preferred working for Americans: I liked their enthusiasm and sharpness of mind.


  • 7
    ADJ-GRADED (言辞)激烈的,尖锐的,尖刻的,严厉的
    If someone says something in a sharp way, they say it suddenly and rather firmly or angrily, for example because they are warning or criticizing you.

    'Don't contradict your mother,' was Charles's sharp reprimand...


  • 'You've known,' she said sharply, 'and you didn't tell me?'


  • 'Let them find their own way out,' said his father with unaccustomed sharpness.


  • 10
    ADJ-GRADED (变化、动作、感情等)急剧的,骤然的,大幅度的,强烈的
    A sharp change, movement, or feeling occurs suddenly, and is great in amount, force, or degree.

    There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation...


  • Unemployment among the over forties has risen sharply in recent years...

    最近几年 40 岁以上的人的失业率大幅上升。

  • 12
    ADJ-GRADED (差异)明显的,鲜明的;(图像、声音等)清晰的
    A sharp difference, image, or sound is very easy to see, hear, or distinguish.

    Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals...


  • Opinions on this are sharply divided...


  • The telescope will show us our Universe as we've never seen it before, with wonderful sharpness and clarity.


  • 15
    ADJ-GRADED (味道或气味)强烈的,苦的,冲的
    A sharp taste or smell is rather strong or bitter, but is often also clear and fresh.

    ...a colourless, almost odourless liquid with a sharp, sweetish taste...


  • The pesto vinaigrette added a stimulating sharpness.


  • 17
    ADJ-GRADED (天气等)严寒的;(风)凛冽的
    A sharp wind, or sharp cold, is so strong or intense that it almost hurts you when you are exposed to it.

    The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been.


  • 18
    ADJ-GRADED (衣服)整洁的,优雅的,时髦的
    Sharp clothes are neat, elegant, and fashionable.

    Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit...


  • 19
    ADV (…点)整;准时地
    Sharp is used after stating a particular time to show that something happens at exactly the time stated.

    She planned to unlock the store at 8.00 sharp this morning.

    她打算今天早上 8 点整准时开门营业。

  • 20
    N-COUNT (用于音符后)升半音的(常用#符号表示)
    Sharp is used after a letter representing a musical note to show that the note should be played or sung half a tone higher. Sharp is often represented by the symbol #.

    A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp.

    一把中提琴独自奏出了一个寂寞柔和的升F 调。

  • 21
    See also:razor-sharp

  • 22
    PHRASE (活动或工作中)最困难的部分,最危险的部分
    If you say that someone is at the sharp end of a particular activity or type of work, you mean that they are involved in the most difficult or dangerous aspects of it.

    Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business...


  • 23
    short, sharp shock→ see:shock


in an aggressive manner
she was being sharply questioned
Synonym: aggressively
in a well delineated manner
the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined
Synonym: crisply
very suddenly and to a great degree
conditions that precipitously increase the birthrate
prices rose sharply
Synonym: precipitously
changing suddenly in direction and degree
the road twists sharply after the light
turn sharp left here
the visor was acutely peaked
her shoes had acutely pointed toes
Synonym: sharp acutely


  1. Said Scarlett sharply , finding her tongue .


  2. He replied sharply , and without his wonted courtesy .


  3. ' Is there a problem ? ' he asked sharply .


  4. Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children .


  5. She moved sharply across the room to block his exit .


  6. The land falls away sharply towards the river .


  7. The report was sharply critical of the police .


  8. The temperature fell sharply in the night .


  9. The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply .


  10. Per capita income rose sharply last year .


  11. In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road .


  12. She turned the wheel sharply to the left .


  13. The road fell sharply to the sea .


  14. The road bent sharply to the right .


  15. The mountain was sharply defined against the sky .


  16. Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord .


  17. The bus swung sharply to the left .


  18. She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal .


  19. Economic growth decelerated sharply in June .


  20. Profits fell sharply following the takeover .


  21. Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt , she was thrown sharply forward .


  22. Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises .


  23. Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply .


  24. He rapped sharply on the window .


  25. She swerved sharply to avoid a cyclist .


  26. She was thin and spare , with a sharply intelligent face .


  27. On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply .


  28. Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales


  29. Germany 's rate has also risen sharply , up from 3 percent to 4.5 percent


  30. The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating



sharpen v. 锐化

sharp adj.锋利的 + -en 动词后缀


actually adv. 事实上

actual adj.实际存在的 + -ly ...地

angrily adv. 生气地

angr(y) 生气的 + -ly ...地

beautifully adv. 美丽地

beautiful adj.美的 + -ly ...地

carefully adv. 小心

careful adj.小心的 + -ly ...地

certainly adv. 当然

certain adj.有把握的 + -ly ...地

clearly adv. 清晰地

clear adj.清晰的 + -ly ...地

completely adv. 彻底地

complete adj.齐全的 + -ly ...地

correctly adv. 正确地

correct adj.正确的 + -ly ...地

directly adv. 直接地

direct adj.直达的 + -ly ...地

easily adv. 容易地

easy adj.容易的 + -ly ...地

especially adv. 尤其地

especial adj.特别的 + -ly ...地

exactly adv. 确切地

exact adj.确切的 + -ly ...地

finally adv. (用于列举)最后

final adj.最后的 + -ly ...地

gently adv. 轻轻地

gentle adj.温和的 + -ly ...地

happily adv. 快乐地

happ(y) 快乐的;高兴的 + -i- + -ly ...地

hardly adv. 几乎不

hard adj.坚实的 + -ly ...地

heavily adv. 沉重地

heavy adj.沉重 + -ly ...地

immediately adv. 立即

immediate adj.立即的 + -ly ...地

lonely adj. 孤独的

lone adj.孤独无伴的 + -ly ...地

loudly adv. 大声地

loud adj.喧闹的 + -ly ...地

luckily adv. 幸运的是

lucky adj.有好运的 + -ly ...地

mainly adv. 主要地

main adj.主要的 + -ly ...地

nearly adv. 几乎

near adv.近 + -ly ...地

politely adv. 有礼貌地

polite adj.有礼貌的 + -ly ...地

possibly adv. 可能地

possible adj.办得到的 + -ly ...地

probably adv. 可能

probab(le) 很可能的 + -ly ...地

properly adv. 正确地

proper adj.真正的 + -ly ...地

quickly adv. 迅速地

quick adj.快的 + -ly ...地

quietly adv. 安静地

quiet adj.安静的 + -ly ...地

rarely adv. 很少地

rare adj.稀有的 + -ly ...地

really adv. 真正地, 确实地

real adj.真实的 + -ly ...地

recently adv. 不久前

recent adj.最近的 + -ly ...地

sadly adv. 悲哀地

sad adj.悲伤的 + -ly ...地

seriously adv. 认真地

serious adj.严肃的 + -ly ...地

slowly adv. 慢速地

slow adj.低速的 + -ly ...地

softly adv. 轻轻地

soft adj.易弯曲的 + -ly ...地

suddenly adv. 突然

sudden 突然的 + -ly ...地

usually adv. 通常

usual 平常的 + -ly ...地

widely adv. 普遍地

wide adj.宽的 + -ly ...地

deeply adv. 深深地

deep adj.深的 + -ly ...地

deliberately adv. 故意

deliberate adj.有意的 + -ly ...地

eventually adv. 最后

eventual adj.最终的 + -ly ...地

firmly adv. 坚决地

firm 强 + -ly ...地

gradually adv. 逐步地

gradual adj.缓慢的 + -ly ...地

lately adv. 最近

late adj.晚的 + -ly ...地

mentally adv. 精神上

mental adj.精神的 + -ly ...地

merely adv. 仅仅

mere adj.只不过 + -ly ...地

multiply v.

multiple adj.多个的 + -ly ...地

partly adv. 一定程度上

part 部分,分开 + -ly ...地

personally adv. 个人

personal adj.个人的 + -ly ...地

publicly adv. 公开

public adj.公众的 + -ly ...地

sincerely adv. 真诚地

sincere adj.诚挚的 + -ly ...地

totally adv. 完全地

total adj.总的 + -ly ...地

truly adv. 真正地

tru(e) 真实的 + -ly ...地

willingly adv. 乐意地

willing adj.愿意的 + -ly ...地

absolutely adv. (强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地

absolute adj.完全的 + -ly ...地

accordingly adv. 照着

according adv.据…所述 + -ly ...地

approximately adv. 大概

approximate adj.近似的 + -ly ...地

awfully adv. 非常

awful adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

badly adv. 非常

bad adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

closely adv. 紧密地;接近地;仔细地;严密地;精密地

close adj.近的 + -ly ...地

commonly adv. 通常地

common adj.一般的 + -ly ...地

consequently adv. 因此

con- 共同, 一起 + sequ 跟随 + -ent ...的 + -ly ...地

conversely adv. 相反地

con- 共同, 一起 + vers 转 + -e + -ly ...地

definitely adv. 肯定

defin(e) 使明确 + -ite... 的 + -ly ...地

exceedingly adv. 非常

exceeding adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

exclusively adv. 唯一地

exclusive adj.排除其他一切的 + -ly ...地

extremely adv. 极其

extreme adj.极大的 + -ly ...地

fairly adv. 相当地

fair adj.公正的 + -ly ...地

fortunately adv. 幸运地

fortun(e) 运气 + -ate 具有...的 + -ly ...地

freely adv. 自由地

free adj.不受他人控制的 + -ly ...地

frequently adv. 频繁地

frequent adj.频繁的 + -ly ...地

generally adv. 通常地

general adj.全体的 + -ly ...地

greatly adv. 非常

great adj.超乎寻常的 + -ly ...地

highly adv.

high adj.高的 + -ly ...地

increasingly adv. 越来越多地

increas(e) 增加 + -ing 形容词后缀 + -ly ...地

instantly adv. 立刻

instant adj.立刻的 + -ly ...地

largely adv. 主要地

large adj.大的 + -ly ...地

lightly adv. 轻柔地

light n.光 + -ly ...地

mostly adv. 主要地

most det.&pro.最大的 + -ly ...地

namely adv.

name n.名字 + -ly ...地

naturally adv. 顺理成章地

natural adj.大自然的 + -ly ...地

necessarily adv. 必要地

necessar(y) 必要的 + -ly ...地

newly adv. 最近

new adj.新的 + -ly ...地

normally adv. 正常地

normal adj.正常的 + -ly ...地

obviously adv. 明显地

obvious 明显的 + -ly ...地

occasionally adv. 偶尔地

occasional adj.不经常的 + -ly ...地

orderly adj. 有秩序的

order n.次序 + -ly ...地

practically adv. 几乎

practical adj.实践的 + -ly ...地

presently adv. 目前

present adj.在场的 + -ly ...地

previously adv. 先前

previous adj.以前的 + -ly ...地

primarily adv. 主要地

primary adj.首要的 + -ly ...地

purely adv. 仅仅

pure adj.纯粹的 + -ly ...地

rapidly adv. 迅速地

rapid adj.快的 + -ly ...地

readily adv. 便利地

read(y) 预备好了的状态 + -ly ...地

regularly adv. 有规律地

regular adj.恒定的 + -ly ...地

relatively adv. 相当程度上

relative adj.相关的 + -ly ...地

repeatedly adv. 反复地

repeated vt.重复 + -ly ...地

respectively adv. 分别地

respective adj.各自的 + -ly ...地

roughly adv. 粗略地

rough adj.不平滑的 + -ly ...地

scarcely adv. 勉强

scarce adj.缺乏的 + -ly ...地

secondly adv. 其次

second num.第二 + -ly ...地

separately adv. 分别地

separate adj.分离的 + -ly ...地

severely adv. 严重地

severe adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

shortly adv. 不多时

short adj.短的 + -ly ...地

similarly adv. 相似地

similar adj.相似的 + -ly ...地

simply adv. (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过

simple adj.简明的 + -ly ...地

slightly adv. 轻微地

slight adj.少量的 + -ly ...地

smoothly adv. 平稳地

smooth adj.光滑的 + -ly ...地

solely adv. 唯一地

sole n.脚底 + -ly ...地

steadily adv. 稳定地

steady adj.稳固的 + -ly ...地

strictly adv. 严格地

strict adj.严格的 + -ly ...地

strongly adv. 强烈地

strong adj.强劲的 + -ly ...地

successfully adv. 成功地

successful adj.成功的 + -ly ...地

surely adv. (对自己的话很有把握,希望他人同意)想必

sure adj.确信的 + -ly ...地

surprisingly adv. 惊人地

surprising adj.出人意料的 + -ly ...地

unlikely adj. 不大可能发生的

un- 否定 + like 像 + -ly ...地

virtually adv. 实际上

virtual 实质的 + -ly ...地

wholly adv. 完全地

whol(e) 整体 + -ly ...地

elderly adj. 老年人

elder adj.年龄较大的 + -ly ...地

barely adv. 仅仅

bare 缺少的 + -ly ...地

invariably adv. 一成不变

in- 不,无 + variabl(e) 可变的 + -ly ...地

incidentally adv. (引出新话题、附加信息、或临时想到的问题)顺便提一句

incident n.事件 + -al ...的 + -ly ...地

literally adv. 按字面

literal adj.按字面常用意义理解的 + -ly ...地

seemingly adv. 看似

seeming adj.表面上的 + -ly ...地