
美 [ˌsemi dɪˈtætʃt]英 [ˌsemi dɪˈtætʃt]
  • adj.半独立式的

派生词: semi-detached n.



of a house 住宅半独立式的
joined to another house by a wall on one side that is shared



  • 1
    ADJ (房屋)半独立式的,与他屋共用一墙的
    A semi-detached house is a house that is joined to another house on one side by a shared wall.

    ...a semi-detached house in Highgate.


  1. No , it 's semi-detached , as you asked .


  2. They live in a semi-detached house .


  3. Semi-Detached : A house that shares a common wall with another house .


  4. Large detached or semi-detached house in a suburban or residential district


  5. This time - unlike in 2005 - his semi-detached status worked to his advantage .


  6. ( British ) detached or semi-detached suburban house .


  7. In this paper , 16 semi-detached binaries of increasing orbital period were chosen to be to investigated of the mass exchange rate .


  8. The14 single storey factory units can be categorized into three different types : detached , semi-detached and terrace .


  9. They have a small semi-detached .


  10. British buyers are snapping up entire villages in Spain for a fifth of the price of the average semi-detached home here .


  11. That is just a fifth of the price of the average semi-detached house in Britain , at 201,427 , according to the most recent Land Registry statistics .


  12. The resettlement site , called New Lixin Village , has 125 stand-alone buildings , which are semi-detached or three-in-a-row two-story ones .


  13. My theory is that those kids and their parents think London has a place for them - a semi-detached house in Chingford , perhaps .


  14. The entire fourth phase actually contains four plots , with a total of 174 units , including detached , semi-detached villas , town houses and commercial spaces .


  15. By means of a population synthesis code , we have carried out a theoretical study of semi-detached symbiotic stars , detached symbiotic stars and D-symbiotic stars .


  16. Ever since , the French have seen their semi-detached status in NATO as a guarantor of their strategic autonomy and a totem of their refusal to accept American supremacy .


  17. A simple microwave oven , door removed , with the door interlock switch bypassed , and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house .


  18. The mindset instilled by Mrs Thatcher has left Britain a semi-detached member of the Union : ever reluctant about , and often opting out of , further integration .


  19. Argentina 's Cristina Fern á ndez and her husband and predecessor , N é stor Kirchner , were semi-detached friends and clients .


  20. In the next place , a detailed analysis of the causes for tilting of the semi-detached villa is made and it is attributed to the irregular foundation , green belt sprinkling and the infiltration of surface water .


  21. For just as a garage or cellar is usually attached to a house but not truly inside a house entities such as SIVs and conduits have traditionally had a semi-detached status with banks .


  22. In fact , looked at from this perspective , a good chunk of China 's much-vaunted export sector looks almost semi-detached , comprising as it does foreign-owned companies assembling imported components to re-export to foreign markets .


  23. Compared with the computations , a statistical study of 29 known NCS systems was made . Two future evolution traces were shown for NCS systems : one will evolve into contact ; and the other will get in detached and or semi-detached state .
