rub together

美 [rʌb təˈɡeðər]英 [rʌb təˈɡeðə(r)]
  • 摩擦;揉搓
rub togetherrub together
  1. They might not have two cents to rub together , but at least they have a kind of lifestyle that is different .


  2. One photograph shows two male right whales rub together .


  3. And this guy doesn 't have three friends to rub together to make a fourth .


  4. They never seem to have two halfpenny to rub together .


  5. while he didn 't have two dimes to rub together .


  6. The ancient Chinese social and political ethics , regardless of which political thought and philosophy to pay to rub together .


  7. That is the triboelectric effect.As the surfaces rub together , the electrons move from one surface to the other .


  8. After completing your cleansing routine apply some hydrating cream or lotion to your finger pads , gently rub together to warm it and apply to the face and neck in upward and outward movements .


  9. The Rub together method massage therapy decreases the content of C-reaction protein in the blood of knee osteoarthritis so as to impair the harm to the knee joint , improve the clinical condition and relieve the sickness . 2 .


  10. There is no striking adverse interaction related with this therapy after the treatment of Rub together method massage therapy . It is the effective method to treat knee osteoarthritis with security and efficiency and without side effect , it is worthwhile to put it into clinic .


  11. The researchers got hold of a bushcricket fossil from the Jurassic period with well preserved wings . Even the stridulating organs , which insects rub together to make noise , were visible , which allowed researchers to compare the extinct cricket to 59 living species .


  12. In time of war the rich and poor rub shoulders together .


  13. Rub them together all you want , they 're not gonna breed .


  14. When you wash your hands you rub them together with soap .


  15. The experts say the most effective way to wash your hands is to rub them together while using soap and warm water .


  16. Wash all surfaces thoroughly , including wrists , palms , back of hands , fingers and under the fingernails . Rub hands together for at least 10-15 seconds .


  17. First you wet your hands , the notices say , then you apply soap , then rub them together for 15-40 seconds ( different companies require employees to do this for different lengths of time ) and finally , you dry them with a paper towel .


  18. Rub two objects together and they heat up .


  19. Rub your hands together . Look , here come the bubbles .


  20. Rub your hands together , it will help you to stay warm .


  21. Rub your hands together until they are warm .


  22. In really cold places , sometimes people rub their noses together instead of kissing with their lips .


  23. I taught the audience how to vigorously rub their hands together separate them by two inches and feel the healing energy .


  24. Rub your hands together for approximately 25 seconds and then cup your hands over your closed eyes to do the palming exercise .


  25. Because with electricity when you rub wool and resin together .


  26. There may be a crackling noise from live lobsters as they rub their legs , together , but that 's about it .


  27. Rub your hands with toothpaste , then rub together , and rinse under water .
