- n.堡垒;防御工事;藏身之所;掩体
- redoubt的复数

Aerospace is one of the last redoubts of economic nationalism .
Within the last year , a series of huge earth redoubts with battery emplacements had been built all around atlanta , one mile from the center of town .
He described British public schools as'the last redoubt of upper-class privilege ' .
Pierre did not take special notice of this redoubt .
It would have provided her professional detractors with a few less redoubts for attack .
The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt .
The Research of Women 's Social Statue 's Changing in the Chuanshan Revolutionary Redoubt ( 1932.12-1935.4 )
Redoubt : this ability can now trigger while the paladin is sitting .
The " National Redoubt " was a phantom .
The anxiety in the redoubt was profound .
The redoubt consisted of a mound , with trenches dug out on three sides of it .
He spoke of secret underground redoubts , from which troops would pour when enemy tanky tried to pass .
The redoubt of the Rue de la Chanvrerie , we repeat , seemed very calm within .
Alaska-Steam rises from the top vent in the summit crater of Mount Redoubt .
When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms , his face , like the child , was inundated with blood .
The club was an all-female redoubt .
At the moment when Jean Valjean entered the redoubt , no one had noticed him , all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms .
The charge had been aimed at the cut in the redoubt , and had there rebounded from the wall ; and this terrible rebound had produced two dead and three wounded .
What glorious sails we had to Bedford Basin , to McNabb 's Island , to York Redoubt , and to the Northwest Arm !
" The Chinese may see parts of the South China Sea as the potential redoubt for their future ballistic missile-carrying submarines , " said Tim Huxley of the International Institute for strategic studies .
Behind Yorktown 's defenses , 9000 battle-hardened British troops are waiting . They 're protected by a series of outlying cannon forts called redoubts .
Dick Cheney is so unpopular that he has provoked protests even at Brigham Young University , a Mormon redoubt which is as conservative as they come .
The column , forced to retreat , remained massed in the street , unprotected but terrible , and replied to the redoubt with a terrible discharge of musketry .
The world is used to talk of how wealth is shifting from its redoubt in the US and Europe to Asia , and in particular to the Bric countries ( Brazil , Russia , India and China ) .
The battery , which , if completed , would have been almost a redoubt , was ranged behind a very low garden wall , backed up with a coating of bags of sand and a large slope of earth .
He had hardly run up into the redoubt when a thin man with a yellow , perspiring face , in a blue uniform , ran up to him with a sword in his hand , shouting something .
If Sirte , Colonel Qaddafi 's last loyalist redoubt , falls quickly , then up to65 % of Libya 's pre-war output can be achieved in four to six months , says Mr Osman .
Courage is the bottom of the ninth , tie score , two outs , base loaded and your turn to bat . ( in the baseball game , this kind of feeling the ball under the prizes will redoubt ) .
A general with a suite came on to the redoubt , and after talking to the colonel and looking angrily at Pierre , went away again , ordering the infantry standing behind the battery guarding it to lie down , so as to be less exposed to fire .