
美 [ˈrɛdiər]英 [ˈrɛdɪə]
  • adv.已做完;已完成
  • adj.准备好;现成的;准备完毕;可利用;已完成;方便使用的
  • ready的比较级
  1. This new system gives users readier access to the data .


  2. His grace was more permeating because it found a readier medium .


  3. Among the Europeans , only Britain and Italy seem readier for a more robust involvement .


  4. Things would be better if Japan were now readier to call a slave 's spade a spade .


  5. For all her virtues , Ms Winfrey is no readier for power than Mr Trump .


  6. A newly assertiveurban middle class looks ever readier to push elected leaders ( and unelectedones , like Mr Singh ) to act in their interest .


  7. The Time and Temprature Relation in Liquid-glass Transition Region of Disordered Materials they are readier to leave the living hosts at higher temperatures .


  8. The bond markets'recent jumpiness suggests that investors , at least , are readier to believe that the strong might be willing to let the weak go under .


  9. Should non-executives have readier access to funding for external review on risk-related matters that give them concern or on which they seek independent verification of the executive position ?


  10. they are readier to challenge autocratic rulers and , thanks to satellite television , Facebook and Twitter , they are more intimately connected with one another and with the world .


  11. The party 's offices in Stuttgart , Baden-W ü rttemberg 's capital , look readier for protests and demonstrations than for the assumption of government responsibility .


  12. Their privileges , common to all those registered as Beijing citizens ( ie , not migrants from other provinces ) , include readier access than most other Chinese have to some of the country 's best educational and medical facilities .


  13. Indeed , since the large company has readier access to a range of alternative funding options , a need for government support is more likely the result of deep-seated competitive weakness than temporary shortage of funds which can so easily cripple a smaller business .


  14. In a 2006 study of Fulton fish market in New York , Kathryn Graddy of Oxford University found that dealers regularly charged Asian buyers less than whites because the Asians had proved , over time , more willing to reject high prices , and readier to band together to boycott dealers who ripped them off .
