
美 [ˈrediz]英 [ˈrediz]
  • n.现钱
  • v.作好…的准备;(为…)作好准备
  • ready的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    ADJ (人)准备就绪的;(物品)准备好的
    If someone is ready, they are properly prepared for something. If something is ready, it has been properly prepared and is now able to be used.

    It took her a long time to get ready for church...


  • 2
    ADJ 准备好的;胜任的
    If you are ready for something or ready to do something, you have enough experience to do it or you are old enough and sensible enough to do it.

    She says she's not ready for marriage...


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED 愿意的;乐意的;情愿的;甘愿的
    If you are ready to do something, you are willing to do it.

    They were ready to die for their beliefs...


  • 4
    ADJ 需要的;想要的
    If you are ready for something, you need it or want it.

    I don't know about you, but I'm ready for bed...


  • 5
    ADJ 即将…的;可能…的
    To be ready to do something means to be about to do it or likely to do it.

    She looked ready to cry...


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED 现成的;就绪的;易于得到的
    You use ready to describe things that are able to be used very quickly and easily.

    I didn't have a ready answer for this dilemma...


  • 7
    ADJ 现金的;现钱的
    Ready money is in the form of notes and coins rather than cheques or credit cards, and so it can be used immediately.

    I'm afraid I don't have enough ready cash.


  • 8
    VERB 使做好准备;准备好
    When you ready something, you prepare it for a particular purpose.

    John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault...


  • 9
    COMB in ADJ (与过去分词连用)表示“已经…好的”,“事先…的”
    Ready combines with past participles to indicate that something has already been done, and that therefore you do not have to do it yourself.

    You can buy ready-printed forms for wills at stationery shops...


  • 10
    PHRASE 现成的;可以立即使用的;在手边的
    If you have something at the ready, you have it in a position where it can be quickly and easily used.

    Soldiers came charging through the forest, guns at the ready.


  • 11
    PHRASE 准备就绪;整装待发
    If you want to emphasize that a person is properly prepared for something, or that something can now be used, you can say that they are ready and waiting .

    She liked to be ready and waiting at home when Bernard returned from work...


  • 12
    CONVENTION 已经准备就绪;就等你先开始
    If you say to someone 'Ready when you are', you are telling them that you are now ready to do something and that as soon as they are ready, you will do it.

    'Are you ready to pull out?' — 'I'm ready when you are, Captain.'


  1. Who has got the readies lying around to pay for a million es ?


  2. I need the readies by tomorrow .


  3. To help answer these questions , his team determined the changes the molecular machine undergoes as it readies itself for action .


  4. Chinese Railway News from Foreign Journals [ ⅰ ] Guangdong readies to meet development boom [ ⅱ ] Chinese double landbridge line


  5. Prep readies the source code , such as unpacking the tarball .


  6. Giffords able to stand up as she readies for rehab .


  7. While President Obama readies for mid-term elections in November , the US is committed to a narrative it cannot afford to drop .


  8. Apple Readies IPhone For China Launch Apple Inc. is getting closer to clearing the hurdles to start selling iPhones in China , one of the last major phone markets Apple has yet to tap .


  9. In a recent New York Times Magazine interview , Victoria also talked about meal preparation at home , which is mainly done by a personal chef , who readies the food for Victoria to cook .


  10. Once finally on the move , it 's fed to refineries where the heavy oil must be what the engineers call " cracked . " That chemical process removes excess carbon and readies the oil to be turned into the petroleum products we all use , from gasoline to plastics .


  11. Meet the Brains Behind the NBA 2K18 Player Ratings As 2K readies the release of NBA 2K18 in mid-September , the company has been methodically revealing player ratings for some of the biggest names in the sport on Twitter , unveilings that have become as anticipated as who 's next to perish on Game of Thrones .
