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  • 网络纽波特纽斯;双股螺旋形细丝
  1. It shows that oxidation temperature and time have great effects on the degree of ring formation for PHF .


  2. The activities of PHF in plasma of31 EH patients and33 healthy controls were measured by bioassay .


  3. With the further study , it is found that Tau protein can result in neurodegeneration caused by aggregation of microtubule , the Tau protein aggregation caused PHF also can lead to neurodegeneration .


  4. The effect of plasma parathyroid hypertensive factor ( PHF ) from 153 essential hypertensive subjects on pressor response in normotensive rats was evaluated and plasma levels of parathyroid hormone ( PTH ) in these patients were measured .


  5. It was began with a brief introduction of different CAC schemes based on the occupancy of the system resource or signal quality , and then emphasis on the CAC schemes for controlling handoff failure probability ( Phf ), including reserving resources , queuing and optimum CAC .
