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  • 网络地理信息系统;胃肠道恶性间质瘤
  1. Climatological assessment on basic simulated results of GISs atmosphere-ocean coupled model


  2. Current GISs lack efficient management and analysis functions for coastline dynamic changes for coastline is a special line object .


  3. United Structure of Point-Arc for Network Graph and It 's Application in GISs Shortest Path Searching


  4. ( GISS ) Geographical information server system . ( GISS ) is a large system project , including GIS ( geographical information system ) . Internet database technology and so on technique .


  5. But most of current GISs are static in essence , they cannot represent temporal information and temporal topology , and have not rich functionality of multitemporal analysis .


  6. Completely changing or largely modifying data model of current GISs and developing a lot of spatial process models which may have very narrow applications could not be accepted by the GIS vendors .


  7. This composition table provides a basis for reasoning about indeterminacy in spatial data and makes a preliminary theoretic attempt for the emergence of spatial databases and GISs capable of coping with indeterminacy .


  8. Based on the lost packets phenomenon , we put forward kinds of more general protocols : general Input-to-State stable ( gISS ) protocols , which include the widely used static protocols and dynamic protocols as special cases .


  9. This paper provides a review of research on uncertainties in geographical information systems ( GISs ) . This is followed by a description of a new method for deriving ε error band models based on the concepts of fields and fuzzy sets .
