
美 [ˈnoʊbl ˈmaɪndɪd]英 [ˈnəʊbl ˈmaɪndɪd]
  • 网络高尚的;思想高尚的;高尚


of high moral or intellectual value;elevated in nature or style
an exalted ideal
argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Frank
a noble and lofty concept
a grand purpose
Synonym: exalted elevated sublime grand high-flown high-minded lofty rarefied rarified idealistic


  1. It may be that , so placed , you being the noble-minded Paragon that you are would behave unselfishly .


  2. The spirit of Tess was pure and she was a noble-minded person , but she was considered as a woman offending public decency .


  3. To know the disgrace and to be noble-minded is the interaction product of personal morality and social environment .


  4. Moreover , their development benefits from a free ideological background and the noble-minded spirits in the Tang Dynasty .


  5. Many noble-minded and good-hearted people had volunteered to help , such as university students who cleaned up our village .


  6. You are a noble-minded woman , and it was your grief that disarmed me .


  7. Neighborhood contains living in harmony as well as taking advantage of one 's power to bully people . However , noble-minded people helped stabilize the society at the grass-roots level .


  8. The basic qualities of the teachers of politics theory contain good politics training , a solid theory foundation , extensive knowledge , higher professional ability , innovation awareness , noble-minded professional moral as a teacher .


  9. Have one writer to society feel lose , think and well , think well suddenly suddenly , Just express a kind of noble-minded and unwilling to swim with the tide psychology and spiritual illusion .


  10. Fu Shan , a noble-minded , devoted-to-the-past-dynasty thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties , is also a man of letters with outstanding sagacity and fruitful literary works .


  11. " When You Are Old " is an oft-guoted lyric Yeats wrote for his first girlfriend Maud Gonne , a noble-minded fighter for the cause of national liberation in modern Ireland .


  12. A man 's ability may be great or small , but if he has this spirit , he is already noble-minded and pure , a man of moral integrity and above vulgar interests , a man who is of value to the people .


  13. The present college students should according to the important thought of three represents , create advanced productive force , carry forward advanced culture , vindicate people 's interest , make great efforts to become talented constructer and successor of Socialism career with noble-minded moral .
