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美 [nɪlz]英 [nɪlz]
  • 网络尼尔斯;近等基因系
  1. Field evaluation of type I and type ⅱ resistance were implemented in all of above NILs .


  2. These NILs were obtained by 5 6 consecutive selective backcrosses .


  3. When Jack makes it back home his mother calls the Flying Doctors Service who take Nils to hospital .


  4. Compared with their recurrent parents , the four grain weight QTL NILs could significantly increase the hundred grain weight .


  5. NILs of the locus controlling major QTLs for traits were developed by marker-assisted selection .


  6. Study on Resistance of Rice Near iso lines ( NILs ) to Bacterial Blight and Leaf Streak of Rice


  7. The near-isogenic lines ( NILs ) are the important materials in studying the performance and function of the crop traits .


  8. Effects of HMW-GS 2 + 12 and 5 + 10 on Protein Fractions and Quality Properties in NILs of Spring Wheat


  9. SSH cDNA Library Construction and Corresponding EST Analysis of NILs for Yellow Hemolymph Gene in Silkworm , Bombyx mori


  10. Nils Middelboe , known as'The Great Dane'was our first foreign player and was immensely popular during eight years at the club .


  11. Jack grabs Nils but he is not strong enough to pull him out of the animal 's huge jaws .


  12. Between 1825 and 1925 , a third of Norway 's entire population comes to America . including Nils Haugen .


  13. Here is our business correspondent Nils Blythe .


  14. The genetic backgrounds and main agronomic characters of most NILs have restored the aspects of their recurrent parents , which held important breeding value . 4 .


  15. In1959 , Nils Bohlin , a Volvo safety engineer , invented the three-point safety belt we know so well today .


  16. Near isogenic lines ( NILs ) resistant to wheat stripe rust have been studied since 1988 by means of backcross and pedigree methods .


  17. They send out Nils Fingleton , the croc man .


  18. 18 o2 – NILs and their 18 representative normal maize inbred lines with good agronomic traits were used to pair 33 crosses in this study .


  19. 28 primer pairs designed according to plant resistance gene analog were used to amplify rice LTH NILs . Of them , 11 primer pairs gave peculiar bands .


  20. Regarding the death of Nils liedholm , I remember him with affection and irony , that was what his life was all about .


  21. Dating back in 1972 , a lieutenant called Nils Egelien arranged for the Norwegian King 's Guard to adopt a penguin at the Zoo .


  22. 38 primers synthesized according to resistance gene conserved domains were made up 28 primer pairs . These primer pairs were used to amplify LTH NILs in China .


  23. It also indicated that the accumulation patterns in total grain protein , structural protein , gliadin and glutenin were the same between two kinds of NILs subunit in same cultivar .


  24. As Nils prepares to load the trap onto his truck he teaches Jack a lot about crocodiles , including the fact that they have sixty-eight teeth .


  25. His name is Nils Olav , and he is a king penguin who now resides on Edinburgh Zoo , Scotland .


  26. The penguin was named Nils Olav in honor of Nils Egelien , and King Olav V of Norway .


  27. Remembering what Nils has taught him , Jack punches the croc in the nose , forcing him to release Nils'leg and return to the water .


  28. The molecular mechanisms of the formation of a soft , starchy , opaque mature endosperm in the o2 kernels were discussed based on the O2 / o2 NILs .


  29. But the smell of fresh blood proves to be too strong and enticing for the croc , and it is not long before he comes after Nils again .


  30. Using 7 markers had polymorphism between Towada and NILs were chosen from 78 SSR markers , the cold tolerance of NILs proved to be different to Towada .
