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French physicist noted for research on magnetism (born in 1904)
Synonym: Louis Eugene Felix Neel


  1. She 's the author of three detective novels under the moniker of Janet Neel .


  2. Could you come and help me mend the computer , Neel ?


  3. Ok , so , Alice Neel combined these two styles ...


  4. All right , so today we are moving on to Alice Neel , N-E-E-L.


  5. So Neel combined realism with , well , actually , with expressionism .


  6. But another thing Neel did was use elongated , sort of stretchy figures .


  7. But Neel 's paintings are distinctive for her time in part because they are portraits .


  8. But Neel wasn 't satisfied with photo-like realism , she went beyond that .


  9. But Neel felt that painting should reflect reality , a real realist 's stance you could say .


  10. So really your are saying that Neel 's techniques were similar to what other artists were doing .


  11. Quantum fluctuation can greatly influence the properties of the frustrated spin systems and make the ground states different from the classical Neel state .


  12. We show that the vertical spin stiffness makes the domain wall violate the ideal Neel wall structure , resulting in a spiral feature .


  13. It is actually a good lead-in to some of the techniques that Neel used , that she employed to bridge that contradiction .


  14. Experimental data shows that there exists coupling between the magnetism and dielectric properties , which leads to the dielectric anomaly near its Neel temperature .


  15. Neel Mukherjee 's " The Lives of Others , " which takes place in 1960s Calcutta ;


  16. Therefore , The author get some qualities of Heisenberg antiferromagnet , and predict the dynamic mass generation by the Neel magnon .


  17. We study effect of the next-nearest-neighbor coupling on antiferromagnetic order , Neel temperature , and spin correlation in terms of our anisotropic nonlinear spin wave theory .


  18. The experimental results show that the Neel temperature increases with pressure and the magnetic resistivity p , varies proportionally to InT at T > T_N .


  19. Below Neel temperature , the alloys experiences similar thermal conductivity temperature dependence to the amorphous or glass sample due to the existence of scatterings from magnetic clusters .


  20. On the other hand , the difference among the exchange effects between the magnetic 3d electrons at center and ones at corners causes the helical structure below the Neel temperature .


  21. Um ... Alice Neel painted portraits , she was born in Pennsylvania , and she lived from 1900 to 1984 .


  22. The characteristic of interatomic forces in these two phases , the nature of bulk modulus and compressibility at Neel temperature , and the order of phase transition of cobalt oxide are discussed based on the experimental results .


  23. In general , the magnetoelectric coupling between ferroelectric order parameter and magnetic order parameter takes place when the magnetic Neel temperature ( Tn ) is close to the ferroelectric Curie temperature ( T_ ( fe )) .


  24. According to the result of the test , combining the theory of Neel , distribution of metal ion in the spinel structure and the correlative theories of magnetism , the mechanism of magnetism and the factors influenced the magnetism are investigated .


  25. It was found that a large uniaxial anisotropy Hku was produced in Fe / CoO system under low temperatures and this Hku decreased gradually with increasing temperatures and finally disappeared with temperatures above the CoO Neel temperature .


  26. In a separate hearing , the U.S. treasury official overseeing the $ 700 billion program approved by Congress to rescue financial institutions , said it is having a positive effect , but Neel Kashkari added a cautionary note .


  27. Furthermore , our calculation also shows that the ratio of the Kondo temperature and the Neel temperature ( TK / TN ) strongly modifies the maximum value of the resistivity , and thus plays the role of the heavy fermion parameter .


  28. This presentation of Martin Wong 's paintings will explore his role in the " 80s and " 90s Lower East Side art scene , but also his relationship to painters like Marsden Hartley and Alice Neel , who also painted local community portraits .


  29. As far as the two-dimensional ( 2D ) quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet is concerned , its low-temperature physics is generally accepted to be determined by the spin-wave excitations upon the long-range Neel order . At high temperature , the static magnetic susceptibility shows a Curie-Weiss law .
