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  • abbr.导航制导设备(Navigation Guidance Equipment);不大于或等于
  1. The Status and Characteristics of the Chinese NGE Competitiveness


  2. The Policy Suggestions on Promoting the Chinese NGE Competitiveness


  3. I have changed my mind , after continuous advice from people , " said Nge .


  4. Remark on the Change of NGE Operating Concept


  5. To avoid blindness , Nge will undergo surgery .


  6. Ngeyan Nge is a trachoma sufferer with an advanced stage of the disease .


  7. Besides , there are great disparity between the east China and the middle and west China in the field of foreign trade of NGE .


  8. John Soine , with AMREF , travels to remote areas of Kenya to operate on those with serious cases of trachoma like Nge 's.


  9. Aiming at the prominent problems existing in the NGE development , it brings forward policy suggestion in three aspects : healthiness and consummation of investment system , market system construction , and standardization management .


  10. Taking education industrial theory as the foundation , it elaborates the theory of NGE industrialization , and has analyzed the characteristic of NGE industrialization , and has discussed the practical significance of NGE industrialization .


  11. This paper analyses what the effect of agglomeration and dispersion of manufacturing on regional industrial structure and organization based on Guangdong province under the main theories of New Geographical Economics ( NGE ), then puts forwards their policy implications .


  12. His most famous piece , however , is probably the Radetzky March whereas his most famous waltz is probably the Lorelei Rhine Kl ? nge op.154 .


  13. Through the analysis on NGE production and operation concept , we hold the opinion that facing the new demand on technology economy and self-determination innovation , NGE is lack of operation and management idea in cultivating core competitiveness under somewhat strict definition .


  14. Am Himmel sind Fallschirmspringer zu sehen . Sie wollen mit der Aktion an die Abspr ü nge w ä hrend des D-Day erinnern .


  15. All of the text in the background is from Lady MacBeth 's [ in ] famous monologue , excepting the last line , which is from a certain episode of NGE that I 'm sure all fans would recognize .
