- 网络连接;中国东北样带

A Preliminary Analysis on Land-use Change in NECT during 1984 - 1996
A gradient analysis and prediction on the Northeast China Transect ( nect ) for global change study
Principles , methodologies and application of remotely sensed data for developing land cover characteristics data set for NECT
Spatial Characteristics and Change for Tree Species ( Genera ) Along Northeast China Transect ( NECT )
This preliminary conclusion might have some significance for land-use exploitation and management in those ecological fragile areas in NECT .
Distribution of soil carbon , nitrogen and phosphorus along Northeast China Transect ( nect ) and their relationships with climatic factors
Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) is listed as one of the first set of IGBP transect .
Northeast China Transect ( nect ) for global change studies [ wt4 , 5bz ]
In this paper , the principles and methodologies for developing data set of land cover characteristics for the Northeast China transect ( NECT ) are discussed .
The eastern forest stands of Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) were chosen to study the quantitative relationships between vegetation and pollen in surface samples .
Nect of target materials sintered at different temperature on composition , structure and property of Pb ( Zr , Ti ) O_3 thin films prepared by sputtering was investigated .
Northeast China transect ( NECT ) is one of the IGBP terrestrial transects , which will promote the study of global change and terrestrial ecosystems in China .
Based on the field actual photosynthetic data obtained from the research platform & Northeast China Transect ( NECT ), the concept and principle of discriminant analysis were used to distinguish the different plant photosynthetic types .
ARABLE LAND CHANGE AND ITS DRIVING FACTOR ANALYSIS IN THE TRANSITIONAL AREA BETWEEN PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL REGIONS ALONG NECT ; Mechanism of Natural Revegetation in Sandy Lands of Agro-pastoral Ecotone in North China and Its Application to Sand Control
Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) is one of the terrestrial transects in the world and has become an important study platform of ecology and geography in China . Many experiments were conducted based on Northeast China Transect for many years .
The patterns of biomes have simulated systemically by the results of surface pollen analysis . The eastern forest stands of Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) were chosen to study the quantitative relationships between vegetation and pollen in surface samples .