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  • 网络手动白平衡;磁通量;满度值;用水量;上海互感器有限公司
  1. Finally , typical changes are exploited as case studies to complete a thorough validation of the proposed formal methods based on the MWB mobile work platform .


  2. And there are serviced office providers such as Regus , MWB and Workspace .


  3. Therefore , a multi-user whiteboard system , mobile whiteboard ( mWB ), is designed and implemented to facility the interaction based on graphics for smart phones .


  4. In order to satisfy the requirements of the body of test transformer without local discharge introduced from MWB Compary of West Germany , the vacuum hot air drying equipment for oil impregnation is manufactured by us .


  5. Firstly , it elaborates the refinement method , process and rules from the three sides namely structure , behavior and attribute . Secondly , it uses the behavior equivalence theory and MWB of pi-calculus to verify and detect the architecture refinement .


  6. The paper presents an auto-mapping method from business process execution language for Web Services ( BPEL4WS ) to it-calculus , checks the deadlocks property of the system expressing by it-calculus using the mobility workbench ( MWB ) and illustrates the approach .
