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  1. Buhler Equipment Engineering ( Wuxi ) Co. , Ltd. is a newly established sole corporation invested by Buhler AG .


  2. In this experiment , the yield of flour has been measured with different varieties and proportions of 45 wheat samples , by using the Buhler test mill and Brabender test mill respectively in three different ways of operation .


  3. Being a member of the Prague School , Buhler together with his functional theory did not receive much attention .


  4. Based on Karl Buhler 's functions of language , Reiss puts forward four text types : the content-focused text , the form-focused text , the appeal-focused text and the audio-medial text .


  5. They had celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary this year but as their health began to decline they moved from Oklahoma to Buhler , Kansas - to be closer to their daughter Candi .
