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  1. To fill the gap , digital tools like Balsamiq Mockups , were created .


  2. Maston had his class build ice-cream-stick mockups of products no one would buy .


  3. Why would this kid have these mockups ?


  4. Movie producers feel the same way about scripts , storyboards , set mockups , and costume designs .


  5. The interface elements are designed to simplify the creation of mockups , and they can be mixed with , and manipulated like , the built in PowerPoint shapes .


  6. I dedicate one section to the end-user perspective which is something I expect many others will address with mockups , user interface designs , best practices guides , and of course working services .


  7. Nevertheless , there has been little in the way of substantive proof to back up the assertions & no leaked photos , just questionable Photoshop mockups .


  8. Nevertheless , there has been little in the way of substantive proof to back up the assertions - no leaked photos , just questionable Photoshop mockups .


  9. This information should be represented in a format that is understandable to the user ( an ad hoc format that may include text , mockups , use cases , spreadsheets , or whatever ) .


  10. The entry to NASA 's pavilion at the EAA AirVenture show features inflatable mockups of the space agency 's Orion crew capsule ( left ) and lunar habitat concept .


  11. Agile teams seeking to deliver a high quality user experience often create mockups of varying fidelity to hone in on an appropriate design prior to coding ( e.g.prior to sprint / iteration planning ) .


  12. Initial mockups of the introspection engine show a small , monochromatic display built into its casing shows whether the phone is " dark , " or whether it is transmitting , and it also can supply an iPhone with extra battery power and cover the rear-facing camera .
